The Return of the Mushmoon - AGAIN?!

Day 1,107, 09:24 Published in Latvia Latvia by AIRNewbie

Ar lielu prieku Kesk-Eesti pamanīju karojam Mushoon. Aizrakstīju viņam welcome vēstuli un pēc īsas sarakstes viņš teica, ka diemžēl nevar nopublicēt rakstu Latvijā no savas avīzes. Tad nu ar prieku izpalīdzu viņam ieliekot viņa rakstu savā avīzē.


Dear eLatvia,

Now, when I got all of your attention, I might introduce myself. My name is Mushmoon, and I have played this game like – well, for twice the time eLatvia has existed atleast! I am from Sweden, both in the game and in real life, and well, I would like to call myself pretty cool. I’ve been involved in with the Glorious Military in Sweden, well in the very early parts of this game. Actually, we had a military in Sweden before the war module even was implanted.
Okay, I am not here to brag about how old I am. As a fact, I think most of you are probably more successful than I. I am here on my vacation.

You see, eLatvia is a very nostalgic place for me. For, well I think it is about one and a half year ago now, I actually lived in eLatvia. For quite a long time, I even got elected for congress, twice. I think that I saw most of you Latvians being born, as I remember the babyboom clearly. Back in the days, when eFinland occupied half of eLatvia.
Well, this is the story. Me and a great man, Nicholas, used to run a party here. The ULSP, United Latvian Socialist Party, and I would say that we made quite a lot during our time. As I have understood, most of you Latvians have bad experience about communism IRL, but I think that we were there more to help than to conquer.

Well, times went on, you went from 200 to 2000 inhabitants, and sadly the foreign ULSP got PTOed. Now, I understand that it was natural, and I think that it was for the best that Latvians controlled Latvia, and no one else. I moved home to Sweden, and well, moved back into retired two-clicking again. Time went by, and I am even older in The New World. And I want to do what old people do, go for a vacation!
So I returned, to eLatvia! Today, maybe 30 minutes ago, I landed in Zemgale (that I spent shitloads of energy to scream about 2009), and looked around. Latvia has changed indeed. Nowadays, you are our allies (from a Swedish point of view), and the fight against those Estonians are up and running.

Well, I’ll stay and watch for a while. Don’t worry about PTO or something like that, I will keep my Swedish citizenship. I am here to visit! If you guys do not mind, I’ll translate some of your biggest articles with google, so I’ll get something about today!

Best of luck in the game, gracious allies! If you want to ask me about anything, please PM me! I’m a heck of a nice guy!

It feels nice to be back!
