The return...

Day 901, 16:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nithraldur

The strength of Ireland lies, where?

The return

Welcome again, fellow Irish citizens! It’s been a long time since we met, hasn’t it? But fear not, that time has passed and a new dawn has come, at least, for me it has. I’ve decided to somewhat step back into the active light of modern day eIreland. The last couple of weeks, I’ve been active, although not in the same amount as I used to. Today I stand on the brink of yet another couple of gruelling weeks of real–life work, so I see this as the ideal time to kickstart my eRepublik back to a more active role. But Nith, you are going to be more busy in real–life, and yet you say you’re going to be active? Doesn’t sound logical does it? To those of us who still enjoy this game as part of their daily relaxation, it makes complete sense. This game doesn’t give me stress, it’s a medium of venting daily issues through a productive online social means, with high hopes set on these so-precious social interactions or, dare I say it, encounters... This is still a game, people. Because of this, all my hopes are vested on this game being able to relieve me of the daily mindboggle that’s called life. Well, not all my hopes (definitely not all 😉 ), but you catch my drift. If you don’t, you’ve been ‘playing’ this too long.


I am well aware of the fact that the recent youngsters, and yes, even the older youngsters (you’re still youngsters in my book 😛) don’t have the slightest clue of who I am. I can’t blame you; it’s my own doing, or lack thereof. In order not to bore anyone beyond the level of a dull, repetitive bawwish British troll, I will keep this very short.

I am Nith. 4-Time President of Ireland.

I said very short, didn’t I? A little more background info? If you really are into that, check out my wiki. It’s not fully updated and, well, its contents aren’t complete by far. It’s more like an original Emmentaler in there, but hey, it will have to do for now. Why don’t I just tell you everything?

Because I’m not a fan of the Congress syndrome. Congress syndrome? This kind of thing only appears during election times, mainly during the congress elections. All candidates start writing about their accomplishments... I am, I did, I was… and then the promises come in… I will…I must..we will… None of this from me. What’s happened in the past should be, in no way, a free pass back into eIrish Valhalla, so to speak. Promises are futile. I’m not a fan of the ‘I will’s’, for the simple fact that words are easy, actions are not, which is why they talk louder. Get to know me through actions, the rest will follow suit.


Ahh, goals. I can see several of my long lasting ‘opponents’ sitting in the far corner with a glare. That Nith… I bet he’s up to no good! He must have some scheme up his sleeve, like he always has! Alas, my Conspiracyrobe with Schemesleeve (rare drop btw) has recently been sold on the eRepublik auction house. To whom I do not know, though I have received word from a few sources that there was an increase in scurrying Brits in front (or was it the backside..?) of the house.

I do not have any goals. I will restart this game as the noob we all once were. For those who still dignify me with an occasional peek at my humble newspaper, I thank you. I will keep providing Ireland with what I think is best, or what word that needs to be spread. Is this the return of the Hammer..? Who knows, it might, it might not. Isn’t it more fun for all of us to be surprised? I know I like surprises... with a fluffy tail and a red ribbon on their… *slap*. Focus, old man.

While we are at it, and my attention span hasn’t yet reached its limit, I shalt impart some of my neverending wisdom. *cough hrrm cough*Well, that sure felt chilly.

Ireland has re–elected Patton. Ireland has chosen to continue down the path of steadiness and stalwart progress. This hasn’t always been the case. Just recently, I’ve seen youngsters criticise our government. I applaud criticism, I encourage it, but please, do not let it be out of pure spite or out of personal differences. Let it come from your heart, your heart that beats for Ireland and its future. Inform yourselves and make sure you know the deal. Ask around, get to know stuff, glance at the wiki, visit the IRC, visit the forums… use all the various means available to inform yourselves. An informed citizen is worth double his share.

Ireland’s strength comes from its ability to unite behind 1 cause, behind 1 goal. Our enemies know this, why don’t we? Why do I have to tell you? I’ve witnessed times that we’ve been seduced to infighting, to using our own fire against our own brethren. I ask you why? Don’t we know better? We do, we just need a hand to show us the direction, to show us the true enemy. Irish Fire isn’t something to be messed with, I think we’ve already proven this a couple of times. We are well able to maintain it, to fuel it, but we are lacking the ability to control it. This is something we can all work together on. And by all, I really mean, all. Our government, the opposition and all of its hard working citizens, all of us can each carry our weight, can each support each other and work together constructively. Don’t let yourselves be shrouded from the true cause by the words of a malevolent troll, remember what Ireland stands for, what being Irish stands for.

Use the strength you all have inside you. I know you have it. Learn, pay attention, be patient and don’t allow yourself to be worn down. Ireland is on the right path, now we just need to learn and harnass the power Ireland has. Nationalism isn’t always a bad thing, it’s people who wield it badly and falsely that make it so. The first golden rule to create successful cooperation is to criticise, but to criticise while offering alternatives. A simple ‘No’ in congress doesn’t get us anywhere, unless going back counts as going somewhere.

There you have it, Nith’s first ‘tip’ to the people of Ireland. Take it or disregard it, free will is such a precious item not granted to all, let’s cherish it.

In closing..

Aww Nith, already? Yes I am sure you all are horrified that this little writing has come to an end..oh no.. Though there’s a time for everything. As much as this is the time to end my article, it’s the time for Ireland to suit up and go play it’s A–game. You better know, it’s going to be needed, very soon.

I’m here. I’m ready. I will be beside you, all the way.

Let’s hear it….for Ireland!

For Ireland!!!

