The Return...

Day 550, 01:02 Published in Greece Greece by Efthimios Pappas

Fellow Greeks,
Two months ago I made a decision to retire temporarelly from the pillitics due to my exams. On Wednesday my exams will be over, and I will be free to return.
Since the day I was retired a lot have happened. Bad things mostly.
We are now divided more than ever. Greece has reached the highest level of progress and is now stuck again due to internal fights.
You claim you are caring for Greece. Foreigns or Greeks. Old players or new. Is it about power? Is it about money? Is it about other 'benefits' you might get by insulting and provocating?
I had decided to return and run for a congress sheat. Witnessing this outrageous fight made me change my mind.
Therefore I stand before you to announce my intention in running for Country President.
I believe in diplomatic solutions, but ''όπου δεν πίπτει λόγος πίπτει ράβδος''.
I will not start bragging about my achievements as President. People should judge my actions.
I return as no Messiah, I return as no solution for all eGreece's problems.
I return for the people and for what I believe I still have to offer.
Since I have no party I kindly ask EEk, GIP or even both to consider my intention in running.
It is good to be back. Especially now.
Now that Greece needs all the help she can get.
Let's reverse together all the backwards steps that have been made.
For the Greek citizens.
For Greece.