The rent is too damn low

Day 1,520, 12:50 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

so i new it wuz 1 uf thoze faiffles dais wen i opened the frijrater to get sum uf my 1% but insted got the cartun uf buftermilk. pored a glas, and wuf haffway thro it beefor my gag reaftion kiked in.

and, you no, durring thofe few momenfs of confulshins, a thfought ocurred 2 me. it wuf thiff: "thefe are the beft dayfs uf hour lifefs." thfen anoffer thfought ocurred 2 me: "hmmm you rememffer thfat ol game eRepublik??"

yeff, 2 my surprife thiff game eRepublik is sfill verry mufth a game, and defpite the many yearf i haff been gone is sfill alife, if not profpering.

now, i haff alwayf confidered myself a simple man, but thif irrithfated me in a way i cannot describe with correct spelling or syntax alone. this game is not masterpiece but it was dear to me for many years and the fact that my aFFFatar, my quote in game persona unquote can not reach closure is something that is at the same time unimportant and yet hideously overlooked.

i mean what is this game, really? we click our buttons, we go, we go out. no matter what we do eRepublik will move in cycles and our actions will be in the long run meaningless. so we do what we can, we hold on for our dear lives and pretend we can make a difference, we collect our little medals and then we get the fuck out

OH BUT WAIT I FORGOT. my wellneff bar haff been abandoned. stuck at t minus 5 for the last what has it been, a year? well, im not DEAD, im certainly NOT ALIVE. To hell with it, I'd rather go to hell.

Do you understand what I'm saying?