The Red Army Burden

Day 1,317, 09:17 Published in North Korea Croatia by TurtleShroom

Heh, I'd never thought I'd say this, but I love (E-)North Korea!

I am saddened, though, as every last one of you know, that we've got our butts handed to us on a silver platter by China. We're in our little holdout of a capital with the Red Army around us on all sides. South Korea tried to rise up and defend herself- and I even gave a shot at helping that Resistance myself -but what was at first a hopeful battle, with our Bar going past fifty and racking us points, turned into quite a shocker, quite fast.

Most, if not all of you, are aware of this, but Kim Jong Il have mercy, I wasn't.

China, it seems, has a chunk of "super users" that sweep in and throw tens of thousands of Points for China with little to no effort.

Like in the real world, China has a no-mercy army of annialation and skilled soldiers. It's fruitless to fight China, even if they ARE and SHOULD BE our Natural Enemy.
Well, unless you want to owe your soul to the Red Chinese, that is.

Listen to what Ooogie said here:
We are forced to take a conservative outlook on our shaky relationship with China. We do not want any aggression with China. We are basing all future progress off of diplomacy, that is all we have the power to do. I know we can get Hamgyong back, but it'll take some sweet talk, foreign intervention, and probably some pay off too. Hamgyong is our key region, our entire economy is based off of it. If you get into congress, I hope for everybody's sake you play by our rules, because it is China's game right now, and if we lose, we go right back into being the newest province annexed by China.

ANYWAY, we need a sneakier way to get back on track. Our good friend, hero, and the man who SHOULD be our Dear Leader President, OogieBoogie3, is going the front. He's planning to buttkiss China to give us back our most productive Reigon. I personally commend him for this and I urge all of you to do precisely as he says. He knows our fatherland like no one else and has a good long plan.
Do it to the letter.

However, we can't just talk to China and get our land back. We need to take risks and get new resources and abilities.

So while OogieBoogie3 gets his in-the-open diplomacy operation going, here's MY suggestion to building our forces.

FIRST OFF, we need friends. I suggest forming an Alliance, or two... or three...

I recently called forth a very good friend of mine. He's a Swiss citizenn, and OogieBoogie3 seems to have friends in Switzerland, too.

So here's my suggestion: Ally with Switzerland.
Then, follow what OogieBoogie3 told me. Ally with Mexico.

These two nations have apparently defended us in the past and would be willing to do it all over again. We need to cement our ties with these realms at all costs and get their full force behind us if we are to stay sovereign.

After that, I suggest a more dangerous idea.

Invade Greece. Greece is in a very weakened state. When I first joined Greece, I noted that there was only ONE, count them, ONE Greek Citizen registered. Greece is about to fall to some power, so why not us?

Our military could take Greece. If we annex Greece under our banner, we'd have new resources and citizens at our disposal.

We can't just rely on China to give us what we need. We'll have to pay them off with our Gold Reserves and make sure we're best friends with the biggest, meanest enemy in Asia. That's like Britain trying to ally with Nazi Germany?

China is going to take advantage of our weakened state and drain us, and then she'll turn around and run us over. History has shown us that Appeasement does not work for long. Pleasing the Red Army is a dangerous solution, but for now, it's all we've got.

...-but in the meantime, we should be putting our eggs in multiple baskets. We need to wage war on other realms and take their resources to defend our resources. China can do anything they want with us; they've corralled us all into submission. If we want to make sure North Korea lives on as North Korea, we're going to need to get on the offense with others and the defense with China.

That's just me. What do you think?

So be it,