The Reclamation Treaty

Day 1,129, 18:42 Published in South Africa USA by Mashaka Kulala

What does this agreement achieve?

A free eSouth Africa, ruled by and for true eSouth Africans.

This has been our highest goal, our only true End, for months. It is only when we have thorough autonomy that any other goals become truly meaningful.

At what cost? 500 gold. This is not chump change, but neither is it a fortune. This is a month’s worth of Super Soldier awards of one hundred eSouth Africans. Are we prepared to fight for our country and her allies, but not to give the fruits of our fight to the cause of Independence?

As for myself, I will add 10 gold to whatever fund from which this fee is being drawn. This is not a fortune, it’s a fair share. Fhaemita or Grimstone, please send me a PM to let me know where to donate it.

A sum of gold is nothing in comparison to securing our own nation. It would be violence against virtue to call a Patriot someone who will only support liberation if it does not cost her anything.

In 452 AD Atilla the Hun (sic!) tore through Italy like Sherman through Atlanta, if Sherman had habitually snorted near-lethal amounts of coke and considered ‘torture’ and ‘rape’ mere children’s games. At the gates of Rome his Army was met by a delegation led by Pope Leo I. They spoke, negotiated, and Atilla retreated, leaving Rome and Western civilization as we know it intact. It’s not clear what the deal was – Pope Leo just gave the bird to anyone who asked – but it is generally believed by historians that Pope Leo, digging deep into the purses of the Church and Empire, gave him a great pile of gold and said “GTFO.” And they did.

Hats off to Pope Leo.

The Huns stole our treasury and have continuously taken our tax revenue. I do not know what our (pre-PTO) monthly tax revenue was – I would appreciate if someone would post an estimate in the comments here – but we must compare this fee to, at minimum, the material and financial cost of having our country’s resources under PTO control.

We elected Fhaemita Malodorous as our President, to lead us to liberation. He, unlike his predecessors, has done so. The actions of Fhaemita and our delegation have been successful where previous administrations have failed; these actions reflect as much as is feasible under current circumstances our peoples’ democratic will, as well as ingenuity, calm rationality, and balls.

It is clear that, regardless of one’s opinions of this deal, the reconstruction of eSouth Africa will require cooperation and earnest effort from our community. Dissenters should cast their votes accordingly in the presidential elections of 5 January and the congressional elections of the 25th. In the meantime we must work in solidarity towards the immediate goals of Reclamation.
Our President has published the terms of the treaty here, and similarly by Montaigne. Dissent has been published by Champinator, Nick Jones, and Tenshibo.

Tomorrow is Christmas. In one week it will be 2011, and human civilization has managed not to destroy itself throughout thousands of years of belligerence and enmity. The US Congress ratified the START treaty earlier this week, an agreement to reduce the presently absurd stockpiles of nuclear weapons held largely by the US and Russia. That’s cause for celebration. Let us hope, in the spirit of the season, that our brothers and sisters in occupied Palestine and Afghanistan, and the billions of marginalized, poor, and suffering human beings on this Earth, find reprieve and requiem as well.

The Hungarians have experienced occupation, repression, and brutality like few have. They know how hard life can be:

Surely we eSouth Africans can accept a less-than-ideal treaty in good faith.

Merry Christmas,
Mashaka Kulala