The Real Russian Relationship

Day 3,162, 15:15 Published in USA USA by ResouIa

I need to talk about something I have been holding in for months. I've tried to be friendly. I've given Russia the benefit of ignoring every hostile action for many months, but I am tired of it. I have a statement grown from personal experience to make. A statement that I will then go on to show you how it was grown, and how unbelievably tiring it has made me to try to stay friendly.

Russia, you are currently the worst ally ever.

Yeah. And before I get started on telling the eWorld just why Russia is currently the worst ally ever, I'd like to put the definition of what an alliance is up here for reference.

Alliance: a union between people, groups, countries, etc. : a relationship in which people agree to work together

Spoiler alert: Russia doesn't fit that definition and it hasn't for a very long time. It was a great one when Pacifica was formed, but after that leadership was gone they turned into what they are. The worst ally in the entire eWorld.

And here's the TL😉R version: Russia is a bad ally. They've worked against USA and Pacifica for too long. All the hows, whys, and any screenshots I've kept are in the non TL😉R version. I want Russian-USA relations to be mended, but until Russia stops trying to weaken USA and Pacifica, this can never happen. Skip to the last section to see my Letter to Russia.
The Invasion

Let me go as far back as I can to start. Once upon a time USA was invaded by Bulgaria, FYROM, and Chile. I was one of the two active NSC Chairmen in charge of organizing our defense. I took the country's FA in this matter into my own hands and reached out to our allies. Pacifica was very supportive and sent us plenty of help. Except for Russia that is. After ignoring me for three days, the administration finally got back to me telling me that they would not help fight against their ally of whom they meant Bulgaria. Ironically, when you looked at the orders and the battlefield, everything showed Russians helping Bulgaria. That was the day I learned I couldn't trust Russia to help their allies. That was the day they turned on Pacifica, the alliance they helped found, and sided with Bulgaria instead.

There was a lot more crap during the period after that and before my next example, but nothing nearly as bad as fighting against USA and Pacifica while they dared to hold a founder position. What happened afterwards was mainly just Russia ignoring their allies, refusing to work together, and doing things that are generally not what Pacifica wants, without consulting Pacifica first. I will be skipping ahead to the incident with Georgia.

After a turn of events, eUSA wished to sign an MPP with Georgia to fill in some damage to our lower divisions. Instead of explaining this, I will show you how these negotiations went.

We didn't receive a direct reply. We were just told to go talk to Nimnul, and anyone who was ever worked in eUSA FA with Russia over the past year knows that talks with him go nowhere fast.

Personally, I enjoy the above response up to a point. It was the most diplomatic I have ever seen Nimnul act. But if you know anything about Nimnul, it’s that he refuses to answer a straightforward question. (At least with the truth.)

I love that part. He said Bulgaria would never dare attack the USA or they'd lose the Russian MPP. However, they did attack us and Russia refused to help us, and Nimnul wanted us to believe that this russian administration would pick us over them when they already put them before us. I'd love to know what the Russian dictionary says an "ally" is, because Nimnul acts the enemy better than Bulgaria themselves. In the picture you can also see him threaten the status of the Russian-USA friendship if we took the Georgian MPP. I find that hysterical. He threatened the friendship that he himself has worked consistently to dismantle. His attempts at manipulation failed, obviously. Let's move on. He didn't reply for a bit, the MPP was proposed, and his FA came back to us.

So after refusing to answer our straightforward questions they responded only with "Georgia is our enemy" (A country with whom they hadn’t had hostilities with for over a year). Then they had the gall to lie to our faces about our own words.

Hear that? Apparently in their fantasy world no one asked them about the MPP with BG. USA never disputed it. Well let’s see what our FA from that time thinks about that.

Oh wait, we DID ask them. It's almost as if they took their fantasies and tried to replace reality with them. Oh wait, they do that all the time. They’re a big fan of that tactic recently, which is what we will talk about next.
Recent Events

Now let's start talking about more recent events. Russia’s administration has for a few months now been running a campaign of libel and mudslinging against eUSA. They have been spreading lies about us and trying to turn our allies against us. And for months we have sat around and taken it sitting down. In the interests of keeping relations between "allies" high we took their libel and looked only to keep relations high, but no longer. Here's one example of lies that Russia has spread about eUSA.

Hear that? We "intentionally" spoiled relations with BG. I guess we asked them to invade us. We wanted to spend a ton of cash kicking them, FYROM, and Chile out. It was all a conspiracy. Yeah try again Nimnul. In fact, let's look at something that was written very recently at of the time of writing this.

So us attacking FYROM, a country that has shown extreme hostility to Pacifica, is "fighting against Russia". Us attacking someone that invaded us, who every last member except Russia aided us in fighting against, is "fighting against Russia". We and the rest of Pacifica, whose members have agreed to help us land (except Russia) and take the battle to the enemy is “fighting against Russia” And when i confront Nimnul with the truth, what does he do? Lie some more. He has been trying to push us out of Pacifica for months, and I am sick of it. Pacifica is a great alliance, one we are proud to be a part of and proud to work along side of. Nimnul, you need to STOP trying to ruin that alliance.

There's more on that article too. Some random Russian trying to call USA out for not helping Latvia, meanwhile we offered to AS Lithuania for Latvia and have sent them our damage ever since the war started. Check the DoD orders, the proof is there.

Russia has even begun working against Latvia in their war with Lithuania. Their hatred of Pacifica is no longer limited to us. They have undergone several plans without consulting anyone in Pacifica that have heavily worked against Latvia. I haven't gotten the honor of working with any of the new Pacifica members (Poland/Hungary), but out of all the old members I worked with during my time in NSC, Latvia was always my favorite. And to see Russia slowly begin treating them as they threat us sickens me.
A Letter To Russia

I miss the times when our countries got along. I miss when Pacifica was founded and Russia acted like a true ally, but then Nimnul showed up. Russia began putting itself before anyone else. They've worked against Pacifica at many turns. You should see the alliance meetings. Even if we agree with Russia they decide to suddenly word the agreed upon statement differently and argue that their wording is much better and that our wording is somehow the opposite when they only changed two minor words. (I have logs of this if anyone wants to see, but I figured this article was long enough. I will include an example of this if it is requested.)

Russia, I want to get along with you. I want Pacifica to be united. But as long as your administration opposes eUSA, as long as it oppose Pacifica, and as long as it continues spreading lies and trying to sabotage relations? We will never be friends. If your administration want to be the enemy so badly then it has chosen the wrong alliance. Pacifica stands strong as friends. We always have and we always will. Nimnul is never going to change that, no matter how hard he tries.

What is required for relations between USA and Russia to be mended is for the Russian leadership to embrace a friendlier approach. Russia needs to stop their campaigns of libel refocus their effort into changing themselves domestically. They need to decide where their loyalties truly lie, and stop treating their allies like the enemy.

I have waited three months to reveal the truth. I have sat back and acted diplomatically passive. But someone had to finally speak out. Change is required, or else these tensions are only going to make things worse. I hope Russia’s leadership can see the wisdom in preventing any further selfish acts against eUSA and Pacifica. If it doesn’t stop soon then I fear the damage may be irreparable.

Lastly, I have a final note to Nimnul. I assume you will deny everything in this article (even the things where i have provided proof) and I assume you will try to paint me a “liar”. Every time I have confronted you with the truth you have done just that. I don’t know if you fear the truth or just want to write history yourself, but either way I want you to know something very important. Your manipulative actions do nothing but weaken Pacifica. I hope you will realize this sooner rather than later. Please do not ruin a friendship between countries due to your disdain for individuals in mine. Be reasonable and let’s begin restoring relations back to a place where USA and Russia will be proud to call each other allies.

Hail Pacifica o7