The Ramblings of A Madman Part 3

Day 1,596, 18:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr. Katze

All humans naturally fear what they do not understand.

Most people try to escape their fears by building personal exo-physical barriers, this is usually done through the mind's natural ability to seek things that make it feel happy. The more common examples of this are: A man has issues with his physical appearance, so he constantly goes out with girls and has sex, this is in an attempt to smother his doubts about his physical appearance; A man has had issues of control his entire life, he is a younger sibling and was constantly pushed for greatness in his life. One day the man feels he has lost nearly all control on his life and that he's being controlled by others, so he decides to pursue politics in an attempt to finally have some sort of control (in the form of controlling others); A man was constantly out-shone his entire childhood, so as an adult he feels that every situation is a competition in which he must succeed over his "competitors".

So, what we can deduce from this is that there is 3 main things humans like to use as "barrier-builders" to build up their wall against their fears: Sex, Power, and Victory. At any point in someone's life, they will desire (or have) one of these things.

Another, more odd, "barrier-builder" is blood lust. Blood lust is oddly intriguing to me, as it can be used as an umbrella term for a lot of things. Anything involving the desire for the killing of or the intentional physical harming of another living things (human or animal), is considered blood lust. Truthfully, no one should feel any shame or guilt for having thoughts of blood lust as it is normal human nature to be predatory and violent. That is not to say it is an excuse to go out and murder someone or start fights for no apparent reason. Most people have found a comfortable medium in their life as far as blood lust goes. Now that we have a basic understand of emotional "barrier-builders", let's go back to the fears.

Humans naturally fear what they do not understand, darkness is a notable example. A normal person fears darkness because they do not understand it, they do not understand it because they do not know the concept that due to a lack of light their eyes lose a large percentage of their functioning ability and as a result our vision dims. As the person's vision is dimmed, their subconscious takes over and instills that person's own sub-minded fears to replace the gap left in the person's working mind so that they can feel like they have a better understanding of the situation around them. This can also be tied into one’s sanity.

But what is sanity? Let me give you a quick breakdown of the essential sanity scale.

The sanity scale is commonly looked at in the sense of a straight line going from insane to sane, but it is much, much more complex than that. You must also factor in things like intelligence, background, age, and more. As you add in all these other variables, your line becomes more and more bloated, until it is essentially a sphere. I typically picture Earth, because it’s easier to make connections with.

I like to think of the poles of representing intelligence levels (the equator being average intelligence), the latitude lines regard to levels of insanity, and longitude lines can refer to different variables like personal history and other complicated things.

I would go on, but I’m lazy. So here’s a picture of a cat eating cereal instea😛