The Ramblings of A Madman

Day 1,571, 19:01 Published in Sweden United Kingdom by Mr. Katze

Since, I have recently become extravagantly bored of myself and everyone around me, I decided to just give a nice rant about how I'm better than everyone else.
Enjoy.... fool.

It was an interesting prospect to assume I was still alive, but I knew that was wishful thinking. I died a long time ago. Maybe not physically, but emotionally, or perhaps I just stopped caring? Either way, I can’t think of the last time I truly felt sympathy. Through the eyes of sociopath, the world is bland, bland and distasteful. It is most assertively not my fault that I am the way I am. I blame the intelligence, or I could blame Hollywood, I think they can bare another sob story on their shoulders.
My name is unimportant, but just for the sake of the "article" you can call me JMackinaw. I have an IQ of 142, which to my knowledge, would allow me to legally classify myself as a genius. I am fully aware it really only applies to my ability to be able to perceive advanced thinking concepts quicker than most people, but nonetheless, it makes me feel good about myself. Now that does not mean I am better than you, it only means I am better than you. Redundancy is our friend, without it, where would our politicians be today? Tsk, tsk, I am getting off subject, shall I continue talking about my resume of nothing? On the outside, to an extent, I appear normal in about every aspect. However, within the mind, it is almost unconceivable how horrible I am. That’s one of the problems with our society, everyone is expected to put up a false identity in order to “be normal”. Normality pisses me off. I feel like these two intro paragraphs have dragged on long enough, and have also gotten a tad off topic, so I think I’ll just go ahead and begin my rant. I present to you, The Ramblings of A Madman.

So how are you today? Just kidding, I don’t care. I don’t care about a lot of things, and that’s what this “article” is about. Stuff I don’t care about. The education system is always a fun topic, so let’s start there.
The education system of the United States is the biggest joke I have ever seen. It’s almost unconceivable how something so idiotic could have ever have been thought of. With so many things wrong with it, I think the best place to start is that “No Child Left Behind” BS. For that small group of you reading it who have no clue what that is, it was a law passed during the Bush Jr. era with the goal of helping the bottom scoring percentage of America’s grades K-12. This had horrible back fire effects. With this law, classes were not allowed to proceed with lessons until every student was making an acceptable grade with the current lesson. Which for someone like me, who is already impatient because he’s smarter than everyone else, is a great “irritation”.
See, if I was supreme emperor of everyone, the world would be a much happier, healthier place. My main plan to deal with the stupid is simple. If you fall below a certain intelligence line, you are not allowed to go in public, unless accompanied by a state appointed official who carries a cattle-prod at all times. People below an intelligence line below the one just stated will be humanely ground up in to food and fed to our children. Resistors to my rule will be happily “convinced” that it would be in their best interest to obey my supreme dictatorship. I don’t like to give myself too much credit, but I’m probably the most important person to ever live. Ever. In all likelihood, I will probably come about as the supreme emperor of Earth around the 2020s after I cure all diseases and illnesses, end world hunger, end all wars, discover the recipe for the potion of immortality, and locate the fountain of youth. As an addition to my rule, everybody will be lawfully forced to become a Rainbowfishiologist.
Anyway, back to the school system. It makes me angry that I have to wait around for the stupid and dare I say *normal* kids because while all of them are left to get the attention of the teachers. I'm left alone, alone with myself. Waiting diligently for someone to give me something interesting to do, but there is nothing interesting to do. “Read a book” you might say, my reading level is so high, that I had to stop reading because that got boring too! For it is my arrogance that is challenged by but only God himself!
I can assume that the only thing keeping me sane is my advanced intelligence class. The only time of my week when I am around my fellow peers of knowledge, my peers of boredom. It is there that we discuss the great questions of the world. Like, what if the world was made out of donuts?; Why does France still exist?; Am I real?; etc.. However, other than that class, I’m left alone, with myself. All. The. Time.
I’m used to it though. In the time I’ve been alone with myself, I’ve learned a lot of things about myself, my favourite of which is that I am decidedly a sociopath who feels that he is most assuredly better than 95% of the people around him at all times. You might say “well that’s really arrogant”, my response to that is this: When you go to the zoo, do you talk to the animals? If you do, I find that intriguing and I would love to hear one of your conversations, if you do not, then I’m sure you see my point.
That’s basically what public schools are, organised zoos. The teachers are the zookeepers and my fellow peers of intelligence and I are simply visiting the zoo, to observe the animals. So why don’t I go to a private school, to be among my-so-called peers of intelligence? That is a tricky question to answer. Honestly, I do not know. I’m leaning between “too lazy” and “I’m not a tool”, but that’s a personal problem, eh?

Oh dear, my fingers are tired. I might pick up again on this later.
