The Rain In Spain Comes Mainly From The Planes

Day 1,420, 20:33 Published in USA USA by Heather Fuchs
Journal Entry: Maj. Spamgobbler, eUS Mobile Infantry, HQ (press), day 1420

Yes, I know, it's been a while since I last checked in with you all. Life here has been rough. You know how it is, living in the bombed-out ruins of a country formerly known for afternoon naps and having lost to the Moors and never quite recovering. That's right, we're on the warfront in Spain, or as some like to call it, Iberian America.

I wanted a pic of an American flag in the shape of Spain, but "Iberian America" just got me images of South America. So here's a two-headed llama instead.

The deployment started off the usual way - midnight rousting from quarters, semi-drunken gathering of gear, hangover-helpers passed out across the lines, lining up for loading onto the C-47s and then the drone of the engines as we crossed the Atlantic. A few hours later, silent hand signals and then the green flashing light, the wind rushing in your ears as you float down over the Castilla countryside, thuds as equipment and personnel hit the ground together. Then it's gear up, mount up and off we go, taking the fight to ONE on behalf of the good ol' eUSA.

At first it was a lot of lousy infantry warfare - living out of foxholes, scrounging for the basics of life, subsisting on Ken-L rations, rifling through the pockets of dead enemies for loose ammo. But now that we've been hanging out here for a few months, with the occasional bounce to other European fronts, we've been able to start to put some permanent enclaves in place.

We set up our headquarters in the Jedi Temple in Barcelona, for one

Lt. General Heather Fuchs assigned us our tasks daily - patrols, outpost duty, KP, latrines. HQ was constantly on the alert for updates from central command. Daily we were first reinforcing here, retreating there, constantly shifting to meet the most immediate threat. And all the while HF and the Department of Pie were spearheading yet another morale booster, from the pie-throwing contest (we used ChristopherEller as the target) to the first-up-the-hill-to-the-daily-objective competitions during off-day training.

It's been a long campaign so far, and it shows no signs of slowing down. War is hell, and war in the New World is a different kind of hell, the kind that can suck the life out of you if not for your comrades in arms. That's why I am thankful for my brothers (and sisters)-in-arms, keeping me alive as we remain forever ON THE BOUNCE!

Lt. "Mittens" kitmen demonstrates proper form during a training exercise

That's right, the Stars and Stripes, always and forever!

Click on the link to join us!

If you are at least 5 days old, your strength is at least 500 and your battlefield rank is Lieutenant or higher (or you can do at least 85 influence per fight barehanded) and you like pie as much as we do, you too could be a member of the Mobile Infantry!!!

If not, then you could also get your fight on in the Training Corps!

Also, see this list of important papers you should be reading:

Respectfully submitted from the field,
Major Spamgobbler
Press Officer
eUS Mobile Infantry