The Quick News Broadcasting Corporation

Day 509, 15:27 Published in Canada Canada by hawkerhunter07

The Quick News is proud to announce you that today, the Quick News Broadcasting Corporation has been officially founded. After providing live elections coverage on the IRC (Now on Rizon IRC Server), the QNBC has created a YouTube Channel (TheQNBC) and therefore taking the Canadian Media a step further. For the first time in eCanada, the QNBC will broadcast video programs presented by its employees and directed by marcchelala.

Until now, this is the list of the programs it will provide:
QNBC News - A News Report about Local and International News
The People's Voice - A talk show, "filmed" on the QNBC IRC (#QNBC on Rizon) divided in 2 parts: Part 1: The Presenter will interview the Guest - Part 2: The Watchers present will ask the guest a few questions
Elections Coverage - In addition to the article updates, and the live coverage on IRC, the QNBC will broadcast a special program the day after each elections, to provide a summary of the elections.

And now, to celebrate the opening of the QNBC, here is the first episode of the QNBC News: (sorry for the bad quality, i don't know why it came like that, it was of better quality on my PC. I will fix that for the next broadcast)


Director of the QNBC

PS: If you want to advertise in the broadcasts, please PM marcchelala.