The Purpose of Theocratic War

Day 482, 17:15 Published in Switzerland Poland by Parrot

Why do other nations fight? They fight to protect their countries and take over foreign lands.

But what good is that? What good is expanding your tracts of land if, in the end, it doesn't fix the broken system that led that country to that brink and shortage? What good is shedding blood if it is done for the country, but rather for some distorted, deceptive national pride? Nationalism brings not a nation, but rather an image; it fells old leaders and make new arise who are equally or more so as careless as the ones that were booted.

That is the downfall of nations. They take an unnatural pride in the image of their leader's sloth. They battle to gain power so that they can lose it. They invade foreign nations only to bring in an invansion by that nation. It is a constant recycling and a constant battle for useless tracts of land under the guise that it will do them good; that it will grant them their purpose.

We theocrats, find no purpose in war. Rather, we have purpose, and thus go to war. We realize that the struggle for power is frankly pointless and purposeless. We realize this game, despite the objections of many, and is not the serious business that it's upheld to be. It is because of this, we realize the futility of our persons and anoint Dio as our leader. We fall and rank under him not because he brings forth some political plan to us that he'll betray, but rather because he is who he is. He is constant; he does what has to be done and leads us where we need to be lead. He appoints those who need to be appointed and tells us to follow them as we need to. We follow Dio Brando's whim and will because we know he is right; he's not corrupted by power or political gain, unlike the leaders of many other nations.

This is the glory that is Theocracy; we don't beat each other to death for our selfish gain as we have no purpose in ourselves and will find no purpose doing so. Instead, we rely on Dio to give us a purpose, which we fulfill by following his great orders.

We are the Theocrats. Everything we are is Dio, and everything Dio wills of us is done. It is by Dio we have purpose and without Dio all others lack it.