The Puppet Master: The Tyranny and Domination of the United States of America

Day 1,994, 01:01 Published in USA USA by Ronald Gipper Reagan

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First, I want to thank all of my supporters for their votes today. It was Orthodox Easter so I know a lot of our friends were not with us to vote, but I do want you all to know that I am most grateful for your continued confidence, and the fight to free our nation continues on. I want to address a topic which is often brushed to the side by the powers that be, and discuss the true power behind the eThrone, that of Pfeiffer. This is an individual who is to the eUnited States, what Ricimer was to the late Western Roman Empire. For those of you who do not know their history, I suggest you google him and you will see what I mean.

If you go back and check who becomes President month after month, you will find that almost without exception, every single President of the United States is a personal friend and close ally of Pfeiffer. There are one or two on the list who were not put there by his influence, but they are the exception, and not the rule. For those somehow unaware of the antics of Pfeiffer, he has been unleashing terror on the eUSA for years. When the so-called “unity” process began, he managed to just barely push himself into the Presidency, but he primarily relies on recruiting loyal puppets to serve his agenda.

In the last election, both his protege Artela, as well as the other two who has no chance of becoming the elitist choice for CP all said they would include Pfeiffer in their cabinet, and even had words of praise for him. In the case of Artela, after she served a term as the CP of the UK, a longtime enemy of the eUSA and a nation which betrayed us years ago, she came to the US and immediately went under Pfeiffer’s wing. He then gave her two terms as President, as well as this current term. Make no mistake about it, she absolutely loves him. If she was not already married she would probably move to the bayou to be with him. Keep in mind that this is a person who belittles everyone who questions him, openly admits to paying people to run you know what nets, engages in domestic PTO operations, and thinks that war crimes are an appropriate thing to joke about. He once infamously was awake at 5AM and bragged that he bought gold to tank for Spain so my efforts to turn a battle to defend an American held region would be negated.

Even if you take out all the not so legitimate voters, and we know there are quite a few of them, it is absolutely astonishing how many stupid real life Americans, and foolish foreigners they manage to wrangle up to support this so-called “unity” cause. There is a reason why the term “Pfeifferist” is used to apply to anyone who holds a position of influence in this group. They are all controlled by Pfeiffer and have been for years. This is why even when he is “retired”, he hosts government propaganda radio all the time, he comments on a ton of articles, posts constantly on the so-called “eUSA Forums”, and is consistently named as the head of government intelligence and a top adviser. For those of you who consistently vote for these villains, who falsely claim to be the “good guys”, when they are FAR from it, wake up and stop letting Pfeiffer pull your strings.

I don’t know how many times I have to say it before it sinks into certain peoples exceedingly thick skulls. There is no bloody PTO threat. You are all being duped and used by Pfeiffer and his minions. The reason why AFA works is because it is a grand coalition of people who all get along and come from differing backgrounds. It is a group of the smartest people in the eUSA who actually see through all the nonsense and don’t listen to the lies that are spread by tyrants trying to desperately hold on to virtual power. If I were elected President of the United States, pray tell why would I want to dismantle my own country? I want to reform it and cleanse it of corruption, nothing more and nothing less. We will not abide by rules that are meant to discriminate and destroy our party. We play with honor and integrity, and that is what counts. Finally, while I love and respect all the different people in our great alliance, there is one which is most often unfairly marred and insulted. To those people I say, Serbs are awesome so for those of you who don’t like them, you are missing out! I think Pfeiffer is just jealous that they aren’t his friends. 😉

Faithfully Yours,
Ronald Gipper Reagan
American Patriot