Day 606, 05:42 Published in Austria United Kingdom by Arthur Reynolds

As I am the Vice- President of the PSP, PM Keogh has asked me to write some articles for the party explaning our policies, ideas and getting us more members.

First, I would like to announce that PM Keogh will not be running for Party President in the next set of party elections, so we will have a new PP.

For quite some time our memeber count have been loutering at around 20-25. We need more members!! Soon we will have a fresh injection of members joining us from the UK, more specifically the MDU, formely Forward Britain( a party that myself and PM Keogh used to be part of). These new members will help us grow and expand. This is not all we need - we need more members from Austria if we are going to pose a threat to WRW.n We are the third largest and the most ambitious party in Austria. Please, we need you, Join us!!

Here are some of our policies and ideas:

A standard wage sheme, that would allow companies to get and keep workers because they will not leave for higher wages becuse they will not be able to get higher wages. It would also prevent companyies from having to pay sky high wages to keep their workforce.

Skill- 0 1.5 ATS
Skill- 1 3 ATS
Skill- 2 5 ATS
Skill- 3 7 ATS
Skill- 4 10 ATS
Skill- 5 12 ATS
Skill- 6 14 ATS
Skill- 7 16 ATS

We create an organization called Styria Hospital and if you want to be admitted you add yourselves to the friends list of this organizations if your wellness is below 50. Then a 'doctor' ( a volunteer who runs the hospital) will gift you 3 wellness a day till you go over wellness 50. The biggest problem with this is it is extremely expensive. So we make people pay for it, you pay 12 ATS a day to use the hospital.It would be free for those with a wellness of under 25. This is quite expensive so most people won't be able to afford it. But we make it free for those in state-owned companies like medical benefits. This will encourage people to join state-owned companies.

Another idea is for state owned companies to offer jobs at skill levells like 4.5 to allow workers get par raise sooner.

Just one more thing, I will be going on holiday for a week, im not sure wether I will have internet connection or not. So I might miss the congress elections.