The Printing Press - More Bangers and Mash Please!

Day 869, 08:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Tim Proctor

In the News
For those that need some info.

eCanada and the eUSA swap Deleware
This swap is extremely important in the fact that is allows the eUSA to defend its most precious ally Ireland. It is also serving as a training war for the BROlliance forces just to calculate damage as both Jbdivinius and 1ronman are fighting on opposite side… more

Serbia Calls for Actions against Croatia
A brazen and war charged Serbia is sharpening it’s fangs for a final assault against Croatia, but it might be a little more than they anticipate as the Croats seem ready… more

A call to impeach Glados for religious views
Okay it may be more socioeconomic however there is a growing rivalry between Dioism and Bobloism. However it is really hillarious… more

In The Flying Circus
For those that need some lulz.

Countries, which are safe from TO

-Can someone identify those countries on the eRepublik map, which are safe from TO? I mean especially Serbian TO?
-Yes Vijay?
-All those areas, which are coloured grey.
pasted from the Serbian post, please vote the linked article too

In Gordon Ramsay’s Corner
For those that need some constructive criticism.

Glados and the FDP (we suspect)

Most of the eUK citizens know exactly where I am going, but only a few minutes ago I copied the picture above. Glados and the FDP are still advertising ‘Vote For’ advertisements, days after the election. This is a waste of gold, and moreover a clear sign that some people don’t pay attention to details… more