The Printing Press - a Rip in the Redcoat

Day 875, 08:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Tim Proctor

In the News
For those that need some info.

GLaDOS and his Tools Ruin the eUK
It is no secret about what happened in Norway and the current level of FAIL the current administration has brought on itself. I don’t blame the government for Norway, but I do blame them for not having a coordinated effort to get everyone out of Norway and also for not organizing a petition to restore the eUK’s gold, or even having a training battle so their citizens can gain exp. Stagnating your players is great for player retention. … more

Autobots Invade England
While the Autobots hold enormous potential to pull the eUK out of the current slump we are in they are also faced with resentment from other parties who see this as politics and usual or “shinning a turd”. I’m not anti-GLaDOS, but just anti-inaction and what the eUK needs it organization, and leadership.

The Pot Calls the Kettle Black
Phoenix complains about Norway, EDEN calls Phoenix whiners. EDEN complains about Western Australia, Phoenix calls EDEN hypocrites. It is obvious that the Admins have been more involved in the game recently than normal and are making game changing plans.

In The Flying Circus
For those that need some lulz.

The Piracy Continues
Oh boy, eye patches, peg legs, fluffy sleeves, and scurvy.

In Gordon Ramsay’s Corner
For those that need some constructive criticism.

Bob Boblo
The deceiver or many, the prince of the power of the air, the great evil one Bob Boblo is in the Ramsay corner. Okay, he may not be the devil incarnate but he is preventing people from DIO and therefore DIOites should unite to prevent the spread of Bobloism.

You Donkey!