The Price of Weapons

Day 1,693, 07:57 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

The word of the day is "balance".

I want to thank TheNorm for helping with the analysis. We were responding in comments to a shout by Phoenix Quinn. I smarted off, thinking the answer was a bit obvious, but TheNorm dropped the serious answer, which I elected to share in this article. Thanks TheNorm!

As in, the market is waaaay out of balance. Check out the price of weapons on the US market as of this morning:

Q1: $4.30
Q2: $11.43
Q3: $35.35
Q4: $38.60
Q5: $22.95
Q6: $28.75

That's right, Q4 weapons are 34% MORE than Q6, and Q3 weapons are 23% more! Why? I'm no economic genius, but this looks like a result of the rockets. Before the rocket factories, we would buy the strongest weapons we could afford, and the price was determined largely by the amount of damage. And the market for Q2-Q4 weapons was fairly small ... big money was in Q6 because that's what the big-time fighters use.

But a rocket requires an equal number of weapons of each size. So the mid-range weapons are much more in demand.

But why should Q3 and Q4 weapons cost *more*? Supply and demand, my 2-clicker friends, supply and demand. Players have invested in Q1, Q2, Q5 and Q6 factories for months, but not Q3 and Q4.

This is probably temporary. More Q3 and Q4 factories will be built soon, especially if the gods drop a reduced price factory upgrade special on us.

Alternatively, a game change idea might be to have rockets use more high quality weapons.

In the meantime, I'm ramping up production at my Q4 helicopter factory 🙂. Want a job?

Of course, the biggest impact of the rockets is that it's gotten way harder to get those BH medals! Instead of seeing BHs regularly go for 1.5 to 2.0 million damage (division 4), I now see 3.0 to 8.0 million.

Zheng He
Newspaper writer (been there)
Army Officer, CO of the 25th Tropic Lightning Division (done that)
Solder in the Special Forces (doing!)
Colonel 2-clicker (always)