The Presidential Review

Day 636, 03:52 Published in Indonesia India by Akash Verma

Only The Spirit knows the darkest secrets of the New world. Today we share with you some secrets of the eIndonesian President wizzie_don which were yet to be uncovered. No one knew about the dark past of a glorious politician, but that shall continue no more… for The Spirit watches over all.
Yes… after shail.back, we moved on to our next victim, which happens to be wizzie_don ~ President of the most powerful eNation in terms of military strength – eIndonesia. Today we will cover some aspects of his life that perhaps you didn’t know about.

Team Spirit -> What would you like to tell us from your real life?

wizzie_don ~ I am 24 years old, work in my family's office and like to play PC and console games. I am not much of a sportsman, but I like to swim.

Team Spirit -> Which PC/Console games do you prefer?

wizzie_don ~ PC: Fate, Age of Empires , and Total War. Console: Chrono Cross , Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I love historical novels too.

Team Spirit -> Who are the 3 most popular and influential ePeople in the New World, according to you?

wizzie_don ~ Benn Dover, n3m0, Dio Brando

Team Spirit -> Anything you would like to comment on Benn Dover's retirement?

wizzie_don ~ Be a man……retiring when you get permanently banned???

Team Spirit -> What are your thoughts on the eReligions spreading in the game? Is it right to bring religion into this game? Do they have any value for it?

wizzie_don ~ Actually, no. Only if n3m0ism became an eReligion… but looks like it will never happen. Let’s just say that I don’t hate any of the eReligions (such as Dioism, Zanetism, Churchian, Zammuelism etc.)
(Team Spirit -> Well, that is a good thing... a president should always remain uninfluenced by external affairs, though he must be aware of them)

Team Spirit -> What would you like to comment on FORTIS and EDEN?

wizzie_don ~ Fortis can never really be called an alliance. An alliance is a group of allied nations whereas FORTIS has only 1 active member and 1 overlord. Though EDEN is an alliance, they help each other and I knew some of their leaders, they need to coordinate better. Then EDEN could be a good opponent for PEACE.

Team Spirit -> What would you like to say if you were asked to lift the curtain off the detailed structure of the eIndonesian military?

wizzie_don ~ eIndonesian military is still going through a major transformation. We have modified our regular army to create battle groups. We started this process from last month. We still need to do a lot of hard work to make this work nicely. The structure can be briefly given as:
Army Chief Commander = Supreme leader of the army
Defense Minister = What ever he takes control of becomes national defense matter. RW or Civilian…
Battle Group leader
Battle Group sub-leader
We are planning to use foreign legionnaires too, but I postponed it for a few days because of lack of coordination (from eIndonesian's side not the foreign one)

Team Spirit -> Are you planning to liberate any of eIndia’s territories? If yes, when?

wizzie_don ~ Liberation of a region is not an easy job…it needs congress approval and they are a bunch of thickhead people. Even if I am the eIndonesian president, I can’t do everything I want.

Team Spirit -> Still, if hypothetically you had the congress support, what would you say?

wizzie_don ~ Karnataka: NO. Madhya Pradesh: Negotiable

Team Spirit -> Given that eIndonesia is a major military power of the New World ~ Are you planning to create/join a new alliance?

wizzie_don ~ No… not for now.

Team Spirit -> Which country will be next in PEACE’s way after eUSA and eSpain?

wizzie_don ~ It was PEACE’s problem. Most of the wars are in US/Europe. If the PEACE asks for help… we will help.

Team Spirit -> Is there a secret for the success of eIndonesia in wars?

wizzie_don ~ Yes, our good coordination and national pride. Many people say we are cheaters, but NO, we are not. Maybe some of us are, but we can't trace them, and still, the number of them is very small. Most of our citizens are honest players (as far as I can see). We just know how to use our “captured” enemy to work for us. And also we already have most of the resources & our regeneration works nicely. So, we never have shortage of fresh active players.

Team Spirit -> What was the main reason for you to candidate of the president seat of eIndonesia? Were you expecting to win?

wizzie_don ~ No, I was not. We were in the middle of a war against the US and our president didn't want to re-candidate, so we needed someone to carry his program on. Since I was the last Minister of Internal Affairs, they chose me. All my opponents were experienced players, I was a newbie comparing to them. So, no, I didn't have that much confidence in my
victory (and neither had my opponents). Also, I have bad records.

Team Spirit -> What kind of bad records?

wizzie_don ~ I’m eIndonesia’s PTO (Political Take-Over) specialist. I wiped out a few countries just for “eIndonesian glory”, and eIndia is one of them. Yep, the one who was in charge of wiping out eIndia is the same person who is now in charge of giving back their territory. (A little bit Ironic isn’t it?).
We didn’t do it for money or gold, we just worked from the shadow for our eIndonesian glory…eIndonesia’s invasion plans almost depended on our job… How can someone with a such bad record become a president? (that’s what I thought)

Team Spirit -> Why didn't your last president want to re-candidate?

wizzie_don ~ eIndonesian presidents have a tradition ~ No one re-candidates.

Team Spirit -> You won with a considerable majority of votes.{ Election Details } What do you think was the reason that you got so much more votes than the other candidates? What caused you to be so popular in eIndonesia?

wizzie_don ~ Maybe it was the fact that I was the Minister of Internal Affairs in the last term, so I was a little "close" to the current citizens.

Team Spirit -> eFrance suddenly has emerged as the most populated country. What would you comment on it? Is it a threat to eIndonesia and PEACE?

wizzie_don ~ Nope. We can’t predict future. But we remember the eHistory. I never thought we will cross paths like this. If they continue this way they might become the next super-power of the New World.

Team Spirit -> Anything else you would like to tell the New World?

wizzie_don ~ Redhya please be my eWife!!!

Connecting this issue with our previous article can lead to a lot of conclusions. But still, this remains an independent article itself, and has nothing to do with the last one. Many secrets were revealed. Many were removed from the article on request. But still, these are interesting enough for you to vote this up and SUBSCRIBE!

We would like to extend our thanks to all the readers for taking part in the review and wizzie_don for his valuable time and great cooperation.

1. Extensive editing has been done to remove spelling/grammatical errors from the article (English is not the first language of wizzie_don).However no change has been made to the meaning of the answers.

2. Logo design of the Aqua Infinity by random101187(Professional Graphics & Animation artist).

Team Spirit