The Presidential Interview

Day 631, 12:10 Published in India India by Akash Verma

The awaited newspaper ~ The Spirit, has finally been released. For our first article, we decided to choose shail.back - the president of eIndia for an interview. No questions or answers have been edited.

Team Spirit -> What would you like to tell us from your real life?

shail.back ~ I’m really good with money, numbers, power and women.

Team Spirit -> As we all know eIndia is left with only a part of their original territories. And none is with high resources. eIndonesia promised to return the rest of regions soon. How long will it take?

shail.back ~ Eindia’s relations with eIndonesia have reached new heights. We will be working closely with them and working out ways we can get our regions back in near future. I have faith in the Foreign Affairs Ministries of both countries and we’ll materialize something very soon.

Team Spirit -> Which eNation do you think will stand by eIndia's side when it is in dire need?

shail.back ~ Every single nation. We are polite; we give respect to every nation, every alliance, and every person. We have helped where ever possible and we will always maintain that posture. So I’m sure, when the need arises, they’ll be there to help eIndia too.

Team Spirit -> Which eNation do you think eIndia should be most careful of?

shail.back ~ Nothing can do more harm than us being stupid. We keep our head over our shoulders, think before we act – and we’re clean. Right now we don’t face any threats, and we want it to remain that way.

Team Spirit -> What changes do you think the new "Citizenship Module" will bring to the eRepublik world, and eIndia?

shail.back ~ After Citizenship Module, I expect my nation to become more secure, more organized.

Team Spirit -> What would you like to comment on the PEACE - Fortis war?

shail.back ~ Honestly, it is none of my business. I, as the President and eIndia as an eNation - already have a lot on our plates. It is important we maintain our focus and not think about anything besides growing our wealth, our population, and our friends.

Team Spirit -> The population is the main measure of the power of eNations. eIndia doesn't have many active players here. Acquiring more citizens is usually the main goal for every eNation. How will the government of eIndia convince experienced players to stay in eIndia and new to join?

shail.back ~ You are absolutely right; increasing our population will ease all our problems. It is also the priority of my government. My administration has employed a new team called the ‘Expansion Committee’ who goes out and gets new people to join Erepublik and become citizens of eIndia. Besides that, The Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the President - all are making efforts in reaching out to Indians in foreign countries and persuading them to come back to India.

Team Spirit -> What would you like to tell us about the plans regarding changes that the government of eIndia prefers to implement in the coming month?

shail.back ~ The changes will come as India keeps evolving into a major player in the world. Changes will come to suit the situations and needs of the time. Like, right now, our focus on Expansion of population has been intensified. As the time evolves, the country evolves and so will the government and the people.

Team Spirit -> Who are the ePeople influencing eIndia most in your opinion?

shail.back ~ Every citizen of eIndia influences the country. Everytime they click on Work, Train, Fight or Vote – they influence the progress of eIndia. I am dedicated to guiding this force in the right direction and ensuring my people are motivated and riding the spirit.

Team Spirit -> What would you like to say to your fellow eIndians? Anything else you would like to comment on?

shail.back ~ I just want to say that – We have come so far, and we shall work and make our way through the adversities to our ultimate goal. Free India and a Prosperous India. Jai Hind.

We would like to extend our thanks to all the readers for taking part in the review and shail.back for his valuable time and cooperation.

Feel free to comment on any of the questions/answers and also leave a comment suggesting what you would like to see in the next issue of "The Spirit".

Apart from this you can also suggest what you would do if you were the president.

Team Spirit