The Power Of Unions

Day 344, 12:52 Published in USA USA by NeilP99

** I would like to say right off the bat that I hope this article can create a discussion between all side on this issue. I don't claim to know whether or not the ideas I'm suggesting here would work, but I think that they are worth a look. **

You can say whatever you want about how V1 has changed organizations, I'm sure that some people like them more the way they are now and some people like them more the way they were in Beta. The important thing is that we remember that used properly they can be powerful tools. I, for one, have been toying with the idea lately of creating an organization that would work like a union. The fundamental concept would be that by being a part of this organization you could work to ensure that any company you worked for would pay a certian wage depending on your production abilities. Here's an example:

Say that this union organization has unionized the entire workforce in food production. The organization would then be able to contact owners of companies that make food and tell them that they had to pay a certian amount for workers' abilities. These amounts would be based on the quality of the food being produced, the skill level of the worker, the cost of the employers food being sold at market, and the estimated living expenses of someone working for that company. All of these factors would be re-assesed on a regular basis and new contracts would be negociated with company owners. Workers would then be able to work for whatever companies agreed to the terms the union stipulated while companies that wouldn't negociate would be boycotted.

Under this model workers could be assured that they were being paid fairly for their skills and that they would be making enough to at least maintain their wellness, if not increase it. I'm sure many of you company owners reading this are thinking that it's a bad idea because it might drive up your production costs. One of the most important thing the union would do is make sure that companies were still profitable for their owners. Workers would not be paid more than their skill warrants. I hope that anyone who has comments about why this would or wouldn't work, and why it would or wouldn't be a good idea, will leave them below. If you can improve the idea, tell us how. Like I said at the beginning of this article, this is just an idea I had, I just wanted to put it out there to see what people thought about it. Thanks for reading.