The Philosophy of eIndia ~ Respect: A Tribute to eRepublik

Day 615, 14:19 Published in Colombia India by maverick10

eRepublik is a game. It is a Social Strategy game. To think of it otherwise; to think of it as a true 'New World' divorced from the reality of its programming codes; to think of it as something more than 'just' a game, would be folly, would be idle speculation.

However, I request you, my dear readers, to indulge me for a bit. Let us for a moment think a bit deeper, a bit sillier. When I first joined eRep (123 days back), I thought, this is fun, but what's the point? We 'work', & 'train', by flexing our finger muscles, and play World Domination - over virtual pieces of land! "This is mine; no; mine!"

Then I came across a friend, who sent me 'gifts' to me, a complete stranger. I saw a [Non-Resident] country President & his team, work magic, give enormous time and effort (I'd say sweat and blood if it was Real Life ~RL), to 'build' a country, 'construct' the foundations on which it stands today, all so others, us, today could pursue our dreams, could bask in our nation's glory. Here, I talk of a nation that almost didn't exist 100 days back, eIndia. I saw eIndia go from a One-State Orissa to a Ten-State eIndia!

And I wondered. Why? Not how? But why? Why did one think, act, and put in so much effort, solely for a 'game'? What is it that motivates, drives these guys? Is it only a sense of accomplishment? Is is a sense of 'National Pride', even for a virtual nation? Is it a platform to gain some sort of recognition?

This is what I realise today, on Day 123 of my existence. It is all this and more, much more!

eRep is a social tool. It is modelled loosely on RL. Much of the complexities are removed. Much of idealism is involved. Don't we all wish RL were as simple as Work and Train. Don't we all wish our countries were more than what they are in RL, much more. eRep gives us the platform to express all these wishes, and desires. It gives us a voice for ourselves, and our countries, even if on a virtual platform. It gives us the chance to innovate. Make ourselves heard. Communicate. Discharge our pent-up energies and the sense of powerlessness of RL politics. To say that we leave RL at the door, when we enter eRep is the folly. I have personally never seen a game, where who you are, your personality comes into play so much, and shapes the game itself. We are who we are, the way we think, talk and act, all because of RL. The moment we enter eRep, we bring to the table exactly that, who we are, and our basic ideas and desires as to how a country should be run.

And then like in RL, we learn. We come to learn that the one thing that is there, that we cannot live without, that makes us human, even in this virtual world is RESPECT. It is Respect that enables us to work as units, under the 'leadership' of virtual Presidents, and congress! It is Respect, which enables us to listen to others opinions, & work with humility, & dedication, enables us to have genuine concern for the 'welfare' of a country or community. It is Respect that enables us to build friendships & bonds with players, across a community, a nation and the globe. We also need to LEARN to RESPECT - the game, and not have Multiple Accounts, RESPECT each other, and not post abusive/provocative material, RESPECT- our seniors, whose effort and experience has led us to where we are.

eRepublik is essentially a game of Respect. Without it, as a game, it falls short. I may not be a citizen of a certain country (in RL), but I Respect what it stands for. I may not have much of 'national pride', but I Respect those who do, and fight by them shoulder to shoulder. I may not understand your language, but I Respect your opinion, even if it contradicts my ideology, beliefs, and notions. And it is with Respect, we of eIndia strive to build our nation.

Yes, it is virtual. Yes, eIndia means nothing in RL. People might even laugh at the idea of us working so hard for something that doesn't even exist. But I can bet all the Gold I'll ever earn, that those who Respect, will vouch for the fact that eIndia exists. Not just in the program codes & white/blue designs, but somewhere deep within us. It is a learning tool. About us, and the world around. Yes, its not just a game. Maybe a 'bit' more, if not 'hugely' more.

All I can say is. Let eRep not be an escape from RL. Let's take this Respect to the RL, and consider all opinions, good or bad, deal fair, work hard, 'eat', 🙂 fight less (the only point of difference I'd say), and take RL to eRep - play fair, work hard, get involved, take charge, & basically enjoy eRep life. Let's go beyond our individualistic concerns of 'achievements' and 'accomplishments' & work to build a nation, Our Nation, as our predecessors have done. Let's give our very best for eIndia, even if it is just a notion. Let's make our voices heard and Shout: WE ARE eINDIANS, WE RESPECT!!!

Calling All Indians: If you are Indian, living abroad, now is the time to return, my friend! eIndia is thriving, prospering and at a crucial stage of growth. It needs all its citizens by its side! The Citizenship module will be up in no time, and your identity of being an eIndian, will have to be put on the shelf! We are counting on you to help take this country to new heights! We have jobs, Training Wars, anything you need to flourish as well!
Read our President Shail's article for you:

If you need tickets contact me, or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, eIndia @
Hope to see you