The party elections

Day 819, 01:20 Published in Australia Portugal by Schoft

Congratulations to all new Party Presidents, the votes have been counted. Although there are allegations and truth behind fraud and interfering with other parties with the elections the voters have spoken. As always the number of votes speak for them self. The word PTO is mentioned a number of times but let me remind you that last month there was only 1 PTO and that was PTH who surprised everyone.


Infin won as expected the PP elections, fair and square, Guy Baumber got some of the votes but couldn't get close to infin. The only blemish here was that once infin was in save as PP he put a shout out to all his friends “Support Comrade Robb in his bid for the Knights of the Techlar Order - return it to its Republican Roots! I am safe for ANP PP.” As PP he should not interfere with other parties, something what never ever would have happened under the guidance of the ANP great Sir_c0nstant.


Wally Wilson won the elections as Larni Kaddlestorm passed the reigns onto Wally so she can put her focus towards her role in the AAR.


With Paul Hamon going for PP again, he never has too much competition. Paul won the electiopn with a big majority. I do hope that Paul can get PaPP back on track as the PaPP has lost some appeal as he has been very quiet.


Again like the previous parties Alex Australis won the elections with a large number of votes compared to 07091968KIT. I hope to see Alex steer AI like he fulfils his role as deputy speaker.


After a successful PTO last month by Pizza the Hut, it was imminent that there was going to be a new PP. In the last couple of days PTH has changed the name of the party twice and I dont even want to mention the names he used. But Brenflakes is the clear winner, however Brenflakes needs to do a lot of rebuilding after PTH destroyed pretty much the whole party. It would be a big task to get the ADP back where it was, as the #1 party in Australia.


As always the ACP votes on the forum for a new PP, and as the ACP tradition goes Aussie Bloke aka Lews – TherinTelamon won the election.


Since November 2009 Miss Wolf has won the PP elections unopposed, and this month is not any different. I do hope to see Miss Wolf really get this party up and running and compete with the ACP, as it hasn't been very active in the public eye in the last months


Australian political veteran Melchizedek Smith always seemed to be the new PP of the True Blue Party. I wish Mel good luck with restoring the party in its rightful place.


After a stellar 1st couple of months the Party slipped back into the lower regions of the party ranking. It was a bit closer than most of the other parties but will Super Christopher have what it takes, we will see if ERA was a one hit wonder or if it is really the party that Australia needs.


With a large number of members voting for the PP elections, Hillbilly Jim seems to have won by the largest margin in these elections. Will this brainchild of James Costen and latinkon (thanks MrFisha) make the push, we have to wait and see.


Greenlamp still has the PP, like last month. Last month this party was under a PTO treat from one of the other Australian Parties.


The most talked about in election, like last month this party was the OKT. Archie had for some reason the impression that with 1 vote only that he gained he was the owner of OKT. By putting in a Archie backed PP hopeful and the month long bickering, the vote turned against Archie in his effort to re PTO from the Tecchi. This election was of course the closest in this months PP elections, and ended in Tecchi his favour.

In a quick turnaround after the lost PP elections the Archie backed Comrade Bobb, Archie doesn't give up after spending a large amount of gold on advertising and unlocking the the voting stage to a stage a level 3 player. Australia can welcome the 13th political party, as it just has been founded moments ago. I would like to wish Archie good luck with his new party and hope that we can focus towards building his party and show Australia what he is made of and leave the bickering and slander behind.

On a personal note I have elected not to vote this time around to not get involved with the outcome, I did had my preference but did cast my vote. Pictures are for lulz no reference to the parties.

A fruitful month in politics,


Suspected Tax Evader

Confirmed Patriot