The PANEC Taxes - An Objective Look

Day 457, 20:38 Published in USA USA by NoneSuch

Editte😛 If you haven't noticed already I actually changed articles on you guys. They're both about the same taxes, this one just goes a little more in depth and was probably more worthy of top 5 than the other one. It's also nicer. 🙂

20%/25%/03% - Food
20%/25%/03% - Gifts
20%/25%/03% - Weapon
20%/30%/03% - Moving Tickets
20%/30%/NA% - Grain
20%/01%/NA% - Diamonds
20%/01%/NA% - Iron
20%/30%/NA% - Oil
20%/30%/NA% - Wood
20%/25%/03% - Houses
20%/01%/01% - Hospital
20%/01%/01% - Defense System

- Income Tax -

As you all have noticed by now the new income tax rate for all industries will be set at 20%. We all know this is high, for the rich and the poor. Everyone loses the same percentage of their wage at the end of the day so it really isn't fair to say that we're favoring one class over the other. If we had changed to a completely VAT based tax system, then you could make that argument, but until the admins can find a way to implement a progressive income tax so that the more wealthy actually do get taxed more, this is the best we can do.

- VAT's -

A 3% VAT tax is barely anything taken out of your pocket when you buy something. When it comes time to buy food, you'll be losing a nickel at most. And so that everyone knows, the lowest percent we are actually allowed to change the VAT to is 1%, so it will always be there no matter what.

- Import Taxes -

Here we had to compromise with the protectionists and the amounts we already had. Nearly everyone wanted higher imports, so we decided to raise the tax a little, but not so much that we lose all of our importers. Having imports can be good for foreign relations and keeping our own prices in check when things get out of hand. We honestly just thought these numbers looked good on paper so we went with them.

- Why The Higher Taxes -

It's hard to get past you guys how expensive our military really is. In the proposed budget that the Economic Council laid out for us at the beginning of these debates, they were saying that we would have needed 4500 Gold a month to get by. The originally proposed 25% income tax wouldn't have even met that.

That budget included 5 weapons for every soldier in every branch for every battle assuming we only had 4 battles a month. It included proposing alliances, infrastructure spending, and a "modest" monthly savings for the treasury. Nowhere in that plan did I see a "Pay the government officials" or "Tank funding" sections. This means that we aren't paying ourselves like some of you would like to believe and that our military was coming first, not the tanks. So get it out of your heads that we're only perpetuating the wealth of the wealthy and screwing over everyone else. Everyone is welcome to join the military and if you want your tax dollars back, then enlist.

- PANEC? -

It's just an acronym for the main debaters in this plan. Don't worry, we're not in a panic.

- Apologizing -

I want to apologize for being so caustic these past few days pertaining to these taxes and allegations against Congress and myself. It's just that we're trying to do our best and all we see in the media is how we're doing a horrible job at everything we do. It's unnerving to see that and really de-motivates some people, including myself. And I'm sorry that not all of your voices were heard during these debates, but we DID have views from every group and took them all into account. And we know that 20% is a high income tax to pay, but it's already pushing the budget pretty tight. Keep in mind that we have to pay it just like everyone else does.