The Overpresence Of The Media

Day 1,555, 07:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by iGuy

Over 15 articles are written on average a day, and before, it was three times lower: how is this affecting the eUK Media? (You know who you are, and I will respect your anonymity, but don't take this as a mere troll; this is about the general media)

First, let me ask you a question: How Many New Articles Have Been Published Today? ~15, right? Right. Out of these 15, how many are in the "Warfare Analysis"/"Battle Orders Category?" 7-10, right? Right. Out of these 7-10 articles, how many of them are useful? Ahh, that's a nice question!

This "Overpresence" in the eUK Media started just a few weeks ago, when we had our mini, I repeat: mini, Baby-Boom. All these "babies" (Do not be offended by the term "babies", it simply means you're new to the game (e.g. 3 weeks old)) begun themselves a Media Baby-Boom, where around 20 new newspapers were created (Admin likes his 40 British Gold), and suddenly, the calm, useful British Media blurted out loads of articles, mostly about stuff we already know.

These articles are mono-syllabic, 2-line, 10-word articles about the Liberation Of eUK (which I will nickname "Fight In Wales" articles, because the main point of that article is to try and persuade you to spend your health somewhere).

Fight In Wales articles are completely and utterly useless, but have one little point. I'm being a bit mean here, but Dear All Newspaper Editors: Do Fight In Wales Articles Give You Subs/Votes? No, they don't, but what they do do is give our occupants the Canadians (because the French and the Irish can't be butted to troll us) a window of opportunity to annoy us, and make us look like fools.

Fight In Wales articles are sometimes always (excuse the Oxymoron) joked about. I remember being on IRC once, a few months ago, just after a new (rare at the time) Fight In Wales articles was published, and we were having a laugh imitating this article; it went something like this:

Boy, that was funny

Also, these Fight In Wales articles have no research behind them, they are written as the Editor goes along, and almost-never double-checked. Breaking the "I Respect Anonymity" rule here, but a recent Fight In Wales article named "Stragety" was published, and, I mean, come on! You can at least check what you write!

"More and more of our imports come from foreign countries"- G.W.Bush

Enough of me being mean (which I can't stop by nature. Ha ha ha (<-- little joke for my UKVoice buddies)), but I want to hear what you think of these Fight In Wales articles, and the Overpresence Of The Media itself. I asked briefly some IRC buddies of mine what they thought, and they told me that "Those articles can easily be ignored"; true, but I read the media, I read all of it, and it's a little problem I have: I have to read the articles for smile curiosity!

So, that got me thinking, what if the Government taxed for Articles; for example 100CC-500CC per article. Obviously this is going to be a very, very unpopular choice, but then think about it a lot, this would raise the quality of the content inside articles, and the Government would receive more money for loans, National MU Feeding and other government stuff.

I know I'm tired of reading 'em, are you?

I then asked my IRC buddies (roz, WayneKerr, AngelaWilliams, LadyMacbeth.. that was all, right?) what they thought, and LadyMacbeth ("Lady Macbeth II" in game) told me that you shouldn't monitor what people are writing, and doing so would be totalitarianism. I answered "I don't want to monitor what they write, I just want their articles to be useful" (or something like that).

Taxing for Articles is like High Taxes In Certain Areas: it keeps the right sort of people in, and the wrong sort of people out.

Comment, Troll, Insult, Agree, Disagree, Tweet, Sleep on, Spit on, Tear:
But above all, vote, and-- no wait; now THAT is totalitarianist-ic: I can't choose what people do; so do what you want.

But Subs are much appreciated.