The Only Way We Can Progress- A message from India101

Day 1,176, 23:19 Published in India USA by India101
The Only Way We Can Progress- A message from India101
Greetings fellow Indians,
When I ran for office on 1/25/11, my goal was to create a better source of communication in our government. It seems to me that has already been acomplished as we now have a well organised forum in which many things are debated and talked about on daily basis. Now my goal is to work with the president to launch a campign to promote the communes. I cannot stress the importance of the communes as we MUST stockpile weapons, that is why we need ALL eindians to work in communes. Your country needs you right now and you can help, just by donating less than 1 minute a day you can work in a commune. I myself am a grain company owner and I’m trying not to hire many workers right now as I only have 1 and hope that most eIndians will be in communes. Please support India and work in communes!

Indian Congressmen