The Official Rules for the eRepublik Song Contest!

Day 922, 14:55 Published in Australia Norway by Mikhail Alexander

Hello Fellow eRepublik Song Contest fans,

These are the rules below:

What is it?
The eRepublik Song Contest is a contest in eRepublik.

How does it work?
The eRepublik Song Contest has a committee in each participating nation of five people. They must choose a song in Real Life, in there country charts, that was released this year and written and released from someone in there country. Once they have all decided one with song, they will post me the link to it and pay a 1 gold fee, which goes towards a jackpot for the winner!

How do you enter?
a Committee in each participating country will choose a song, in there Music Charts, that was made this year and by a person from there country. They will then pay a 1 gold fee, which will go towards a jackpot prize!

What is the prize?
The prize at this stage being only having five countries is 5 gold but if we get countries to participate, I can make more gold meaning a higher jackpot prize!

How will it be judged?
You will be the person to judge the contest, on the website, there will be a survey where you will choose your favourite country, put your citizen name and profile link. You can vote as many times as you like but you can't vote for your own country. The reason is that we want you to vote for another country then yours, if you vote for your own country, your vote will not be counted! As we want a fair contest and not people just voting for there own country over and over again!

If you have any questions, please comment below and I will get back to you, ASAP!

Rowan Quigley
ESC Owner

P.S. Remember to check out the new forums!: