The NZ Update #1

Day 1,295, 14:35 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Oboacer

Hello Kiwis,
Well guess what, I'm back!. I had the great honour of being appointed the new "Minister of Information" by our new President Crusadercarl. Over the coming month I will work to inform the citizens of our nation the on-goings in the eNZ government.

I want to also take this moment to introduce my "deputy" MoI, Ivan Blair. He will be working with me to ensure that the citizens of our nation are kept alert to the on-goings within it. So without delay, lets begin.

To remain informed about eNZ, I would ask you to please subscribe to;

The Specials

Blair's Journal

So the elections have come and gone and for those of you Kiwis who were either out fighting or somehow hiding under a rock, I'm pleased to announce our new President is Crusadercarl.

He has recently announced his Cabinet and they are as follows;
Spud of Doom-Vice President
Don KronoX-Minister of Finance
Koska de STRAH-Minister of Defense
Fionia, Mortalbeta and Splindza-Minister of Foreign Affairs
Gil-game-Minister of Education
Oboacer-Minister of Information

These members each have the authority to appoint a deputy and as I noted above, Ivan will be "deputy" MoI, Trento96 will be "deputy" MoE.

Our government has also been busy preparing itself for any potential future conflict and has successfully re-signed a series of "Protection Pacts" with our allies. They ones most recently signed include;

Hungary-passed in the NZ Congress 39 to 0

Spain-passed in the NZ Congress 35 to 0

These measures are viewed as needed by our government to show our allies we are dedicated to them but also to ensure that our borders are protected from future military incursions.

Well we had heard the rumors but the eNZ government is now ready to inform our citizens that our enemy/friend Chile has finally been admitted into the Terra alliance.

The previous government was monitoring this situation and I can confirm that our current team at "Foreign Affairs" and our CP will be watching as this situation unfolds. I have included the link to the article welcoming Chile to Terra.

With the after effects of the recent war with Argentina still being felt, the eNZ economy remains in a very perilous and shaky state. I can confirm that our government is reviewing the current situation and preparing to take action to help address the downturn and aid in the recovery.

Recent actions have included reducing the VAT on food by 1% and moving 50,000 NZD from the country to the central bank. Both of these efforts have been done to ensure our government has the finances to act and to ensure that our people are aided during these times of price inflation.

More action will be taken in the future so please remain alert.

Another great feature our government will be seeking to promote is the use of the eNZ Forums and {b]IRC Chat[/b]. Both of these are great ways to engage with your fellow Kiwis and become even more immersed in the world of eNZ.

eNZ Forums

IRC eNZ Chat Room

Well that is the main points for this first issue of the NZ Update. Over the coming weeks both Ivan Blair and myself will work to keep the people of this great nation informed of the actions our government is taking.

I look forward to working with my fellow Ministers, deputy Blair and others as we continue making eNZ the greatest nation in the "New World". I wish everyone the best and please remain on a lookout for future articles.

Have a great day/night,

Minister of Information,
Congressmen for Canterbury,
PnPP President