The Next Major Updates

Day 3,048, 12:11 Published in Switzerland Israel by Black Coyote

So as you all know plato released Ghost Booster with the latest updates...
What do you think that future will look like?

Now bare with me i will predict the next major updates...
With the help of my magical eye:

Next Major update #1

Like you didnt saw that one coming? 🙂
And the following month you get THIS:

Next Major update #2

Oh what a shameless guy!!!

Next Major update #3
Selling merchandise like this useless thing:

Great! Because we want more items that will remind us of this... how should i put it?... place... when we are offline.

Next Major update #4
A game becomes so boring that they invent a game WITHIN a game... logic?

The description will be like: "The headless chicken has no head. It needs you to guide her and teach her how to fly. Because every chicken`s dream is to fly..."
Woah, just woah...

Next Major update #5
He is experimenting something:

At first this is like wtf??? But nobody bothers for a freaking 1k...

Next Major update #6
Plato notices the opportunity and BAAM:

And now its starting to come along. Want to play? Then pay!

Next Major update #7

What a load of baloney!

Next Major update #8
At this point even visa players dont want to play anymore, so plato introduces a new feature:
"If you want a restart to the server push the red button. If more than 66% of the players pushed the button, the server will restart."

But of course to push the button you need to pay a $4.99 worth of approval 😉
And even tho each and every one of the players will try to thin his walled for the last time and press this magical button, in the end they`ll just say:
"Less than 66% pressed the button, Yippee Ki Yay M*th*rf*ck*rs!"

R.I.P 🙁

But there is still a dim of light left!

Each and every one of you should donate 1k cc to me so that my magical eye is stimulated to work his brain off and try to find a salvation :3

What`s 1k cc?
-A small price to pay for a brighter future.
~TheTrendoReborn 2015 DC.