The new term!

Day 444, 09:54 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nithraldur


First of all I would like to thank everyone who voted for me. I will do my best and prove me worthy of your confidence. That being said, I would like to fill the new cabinet. As you can see in the list below, all positions seem to be vacant. Do not be alarmed, this is just to offer a view. The person currently holding the position can simply send me his application again. If we feel this person has lived up to the task than he will be given an extension and can continue his function. Everyone else, please, feel free to also send in your application, you will also get evaluated and naturally, have a chance. Do include a short motivation if you would be a new member of the cabinet (first timer etc..).

Positions such as the Minister of Health and Minister of Education will require an entirely new person, as Kheops who held the Minister of Education position has left the country and I was the Minister of Health.

I have already received several inquiries and applications about certain positions. Therefore I would like to speed up the process a bit and have a fully functioning government by Sunday 8 February 00.00 CET. This means you have time until than to send in your application.

Taoiseach - Nithraldur
Tánaiste - ?
Minister for Newborn Citizens - ?
Minister for Wellness - ?
Minister of Health - ?
Minister of Finance - ?
Minister of Defense - ?
Minister of Foreign Affairs - ?
Minister of Immigration and Recruitment - ?
Minister of Education - ?
Manager of the National Bank - ?

Now to offer a short update on things that have already taken place...

Me and the soon - to - be Minister of Foreign Affairs will be attending a summit that will probably be taking place on UK soil. This summit will be addressing the issue of political and possible fraudulent take - overs of nations, since the admins refuse to implement a thing like citizenship we feel that it is necessary to reach a consensus among the eWorld's nations. Neither should any of the Alliances be used an excuse for these tactics, be it by Rogue or Government sponsored groups.

I have opened up a dialogue with the new President of South - Africa. I feel that this nation has been wrongfully harmed the last few legislatures and I wish to establish better connections with them in order to further amend any hassle they may still be dealing with.

I have also inquired for the first time with the new UK President about the possibility of a civilised and formal dialogue concerning Great Eire. I have yet to receive a reply to this, however the message was not sent a long time ago so there is no reason for panic. Rest assured, I will keep you updated on a regular basis.

That's about it for now I believe, I could however be forgetting something so please, do keep an eye on this article as it may be updated in the near future.

For Ireland!
