The New Society's New Press Director

Day 708, 08:32 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

The Imperial Sun Party Organization
For the loyal readers of the New Society newspaper, you have been following the politics of the ISP as written from the party president, KITA Ikki. The time has come to announce the Imperial Sun Party organization. I request that all members of the ISP please friend request the organization so you can see shouts from the party leaders.

For those of you interested in reading my new newspaper, 旅人 (TABIBITO, or "Traveler"), it is available here:


It will include articles about Japanese culture and all things Japanese, but will not be focused on politics. The first issue about eJapanese housing is already available!

The New Society Logo

The ISP organization is now the press director of New Society newspaper, the source for news and official statements from the Imperial Sun Party. If you are a party member or interested in Japanese politics and the Imperial Sun Party, please vote and subscribe this publication! As an organization newspaper, it can also be used to publish statements and articles from general party members who may not have a newspaper of their own. An advertising budget is also available for party members who wish to advertise articles they have written regarding eJapanese politics or party affairs. Please see the ISP section of the National Forums for more details.

It is my hope that the organization will help the Imperial Sun Party stay organized, even in my absence. There has been some talk of a possible KITA Ikki presidential candidacy, but I am not interested at this time due to real life time commitments (I'm trying to learn Chinese here in Taiwan!). The holiday season (December-January) would be particularly difficult for me as I will be traveling a bit at that time and possibly unable to log-on from time to time. eJapanese Presidents seem to have a curse that makes them largely "inactive" once they are elected, and I do not wish to succumb to that. If I do it, I will do it right! Perhaps after the Chinese New Year is over, I will have more time to give a serious commitment to running.

The Imperial Sun Party remains committed to the following goals:

Strengthen the Military
-With ISP support, the Ministry of Defense has expanded operations, increasing the rate of promotion for the members of the Japanese Imperial Army, established the Japanese Imperial Navy, supported iron companies that bring cheap resources to our weapons company, and upgraded the national weapons company to Q5 for the purpose of stockpiling higher quality weapons in case of war.

Organize the Party
-Internally, the party has created a webpage to explain our positions and introduce our leadership. Interested citizens can access the webpage here:

-Reiji Mitsurugi is the Vice President of the ISP. He will open and close ISP forum votes in my place if I am not available and has access to the ISP organization password.

-Metic is the Imperial Sun Party Information Officer, has been a great help in organizing the party's online information offerings and has access to the ISP organization password.

-Metic has posted an ISP information database, available online in the ISP section of the National Forums. Party members with questions about the basic structure of the party should refer here. If you have not signed up in the national forums, please do so at your earliest convenience! If you are a party member, please apply for membership in the ISP usergroup (available in the "user control panel").

Imperial Sun over Fujisan

Congressional Elections
Congratulations to all members of congress, especially our newest members! If you are an ISP member of congress, please friend the organization and read and subscribe to the New Society newspaper. Also, please actively read [discussion] threads and vote in [vote] threads in the national forums. It is your duty to the people who elected you!

Media Activity
I strongly encourage all members of the Imperial Sun Party to pay attention to the news media, particularly those reliable news sources listed here:

Lastly, a special congratulations and thank you to Imperial Sun Party member Peter McGoon. I donated my old Q2 house to loyal Imperial Sun Party member, Peter McGoon in recognition of his service to the party and eJapan. In the Imperial Sun Party, we believe that loyalty brings rewards, not the other way around.

President, Imperial Sun Party