The new Senate...

Day 1,344, 06:17 Published in Australia Australia by Timeoin

The ANP majority has finally been broken.

At 00:00, ANP has 9 elected senators.

During the 6 hour Admin checks to see whether the votes were entirely justified or not, this number was reduced to just FOUR.

The numbers speak for themselves, really.

Oh, and better luck next time to my good "friend" TJ Norton.

Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of your RL political race to focus on erepublik. It doesn't really seem to have paid off for you.

I would just like to thank all those who voted for me.

I promised to take a stand against ANP corruption, and people responded to this call.

So ... thank you eAustralia.

And remember, there is only 10 days left until we can get a real government elected.


EDIT: Our CP has decided to try and interfere with our senate once more...
(The Senate Speaker nominations can be given by Senators ONLY. The rules apparently do not apply to the dictator apparently, though...