The new international revolutionary movement and a possible split.

Day 542, 06:39 Published in United Kingdom Russia by Maksim Chuikov

Evening, fellow comrades!

The new international revolutionary movement.

What is this new international revolutionary movement, that you may have heard of? Let me begin from the beginning. After the annexation of eRussia the vanguard for the international revolutionary movement crippled with the ecountry. As the former eRussian territories became eRomanian territories, the ruble quickly lost its value. This had a direct impact on the massive peoples' owned GOSPLAN program which was the largest industrial complex in eRussia at that time. Without any RON the program quickly started to fall apart as workers started to leave or move to other hotspots like eAustralia or eThailand.

During the last months, new planned economies, similiar to the GOSPLAN program in eRussia have started to emerge in eSpain under the control of Bloque Obrero and eTurkey under the control of the Turkish Communist Party. With new people's owned planned economies we can begin a new era in the revolutionary movement. Instead of relaying on political control, which is highly unstable, we can move indirectly on the free-market economy and challenge the capitalist parties with our close-to-free commodities.

To those of you who don't know how a planned economy works, let me sum it up to you quickly. The peoples' owned and operated planned economies work after the principle of "from each according to ability, to each according to need". What does this mean in practice? It means that the workers who own and work for the planned economies are payed the minimum wage, but the commodities they produce are available for almost free. The idea is that the workers' buy their needed commodities and donate back the money to the planned economy. This way the money keeps going in circles. Due to the taxes, it's obvious that the planned economies are going on minus a little every day (more on this later). But imagine the losses of the petit-bourgeoise and larger bourgeoise companies when their commodities are not selling anymore!

The advantage of having a majority in the Congress is that the workers' can now raise the taxes, which make the conditions for the capitalists tough and also withdraw the tax money and donate it to the people. This way we can one day exterminate the ecapitalists from the market.

Until recently, these planned economies have been restricted to local trade only. These planned economies can't start producing enough commodities to undermine the capitalists before the industries are expanded. Before we can start with this phase of challenging the capitalists, we must satisfy our workers'. Due to the lack of funding and natural resources in their respective ecountries most of the planned economies have been forced to buy the natural resources from the ecapitalists. This is where the new phenommenan in the international revolutionary movement steps in the picture. If every Socialist party in their respective ecountry specializes into a specific area, we can start to supply each other until we can gather more support, expand the industries and finally begin with the phase of entering the free market economy. Negotiations are currently going on between the Bloque Obrero of eSpain and the CPSU of eRussia. This deal will mark the first trade in the international socialist market.

The birth of sectarianism in the international revolutionary movement?

As I explained in the previous article, the new economical cooperation between the Socialist parties worldwide is a new way of spreading the revolution in eRepublik. This economical cooperation between parties worldwide is seen by many 'economists' as the new way of realisticlly making a change in the esociety. The argument for this would be that the planned economies gain more and more support which naturally leads into support in the Congressional elections and an increase in the fighters strength.

Of course, there are still various organizations who feel that it's necessary to continue with the old ways of carrying out the revolution. The second most popular way of fighting for the revolution is still the anti-imperialist movements that exist world-wide, as an example the Workers' Militia. The Workers' Militia has managed to gather about 160+ members in their cause. You would think this is a lot for a radical-left-wing organization, but given the time the organization has existed it's extremely low. The enormous costs for fighting the imperialists is extremely high aswell. These resources could be invested into funding and expanding communes.

As I've pointed out, these movements grow extremely slow, which proves that the worldwide struggle for emancipation from the bourgeoise can't begin from fighting in wars or. The majority of the eRepublik party don't know anything about ideologies and will therefore not join a Socialist or Communist party before getting something out of it.

The anti-imperialist movements have not played a significant role in the massive wars either. Giving their amount of volunteers and equipment they can't play any significant role in a massive war against eRomania, eHungary or eIndonesia, to name a few.

Negotiations between the Workers' Militia and the new international revolutionary movement or the Internationale have been a failure after failure. The Workers' Militia does not support PTOs' or send labour help to communes. If this goes on it might escalate and give birth to sectarianism amongst the eRepublik revolutionaries.

- Maksim Chuikov.