The New Government

Day 804, 01:21 Published in Netherlands USA by Mitch Rapp

After the Congress Elections I was asked by the Party President of Iron & Wine if I wanted to function as “formateur” of the new United Netherlands government. I focused my efforts on GLD and LP because we worked so well in the past and wanted to continue that. The only other viable option was a coalition between LSD and I&W but it seems LSD is having an internal crisis at the moment so I felt it was better to give them time to focus on that. With the current issues in Belgium I also felt that BP had other problems and interests so I didn’t approach them as well as together we wouldnt have a majority.

So I am proud to present the following result of the negations and want to thank the people that help accomplish this.

Cabinet artemivanov (I&W)

Defensie DanielB1989 (I&W) Intenze (I&W)
EZ Luuklag (I&W)
Foreign Affairs Trinc (GLD) Yasupa (GLD)
Raws Puc (I&W) honderdjaar (I&W
Media & Health Thomas Fairfax (LP)
Home Affairs miro86 (GLD) HippeSpringveer (GLD)
Recruitment & Coaching Daniel Parker (LP) Refl3x (GLD)
State Companies Auggy (I&W) IlPadrino (GLD)

This government has given itself the following objectives to finish this month:

1. Finally finish Constitution
2. Reorganize the Ministerie of Defense by bringing down cost and increase effectiveness of the army.
3. Create a new and more effective ambassadors system that requires less resources
4. Start a new discussion on the President Government and review its benefits.

This government recognizes that in order to improve many things in this country such as the economy, the amount of battles we have and increase the overall fun factor of this game we need a bigger population. To achieve this we have decided that :

5. Recruitment & Coaching will receive more resources such as people and the population needs to be better involved in this and encouraged.

I have asked Garmr to start a vote of confidence on our forum to see if this government has the support of Congress.

Mitch Rapp