The New Era of eUS Politics

Day 2,045, 05:52 Published in USA United Kingdom by wingfield

Change has been coming for a long time. Those who have resisted change were dragged kicking and screaming all the way to the wire. Then the inevitable happened. The existing regime collapsed.

We no longer have a government.

In theory, we have a President and a Congress, along with the handful of regions still holding out against the invaders. In practise, there is nothing.

For too long, a select group of individuals, who call themselves meta-gamers, for want of a better description, have held eUS politics in total lockdown. All important decisions were made outside of eRepublik (hence “meta-game”) and heavy handed measures were used to keep people in line in-game.

This enduring PTO (for 'political take over' it indeed is) dressed itself up in respectability and sustained its position by the co-opting of a well-known bogeyman, who leads a minority faction within the country. The regime (the internal PTO) relied upon the threat of the externally supported PTO aspirant to justify its stranglehold.

We have a top five party structure that consists of one “outsider” party and four “zombie” parties, utterly indistinguishable from each other and utterly incapable of reform.

When anyone ever challenges this “Unity” regime, the mantra has been: “If we change anything, RGR will win and Serbia will take over the country”.

What a tired, old and empty threat!

Firstly, Serbia doesn’t need Ajay Bruno to take us over. They are doing a fair enough job of it on the battlefield.

Secondly, the Unity regime has usurped all power and authority to itself. No one but the chosen few have ANY say in how things tick. The regime oppresses an unsavory minority by making it the bogeyman which they then use to oppress the majority, depriving us of any democratic rights.

Unity and the AFA are two sides of the same coin. Neither side wants to allow ordinary voters a say. Perhaps it is more accurate to say that Unity and the AFA are the same crooked side of a stolen coin, that coin being our democratic rights.

The next ten days will see the usual shenanigans to impose a “Unity” candidate upon us and the attempt to freeze out any other non-AFA candidates, to ensure that the “Unity” candidate wins and we are back where we started – EVERY month.

My next article will attempt to identify the rights and wrongs. Then we can examine what is to be done to bring about change.