The new administration of Washingtonshina is taking its first steps.

Day 607, 06:41 Published in USA Russia by tutumba
Long-awaited freedom.
Somewhere far away heard volleys of heavy artillery of the advancing Russian troops near Montana. But on a fertile land of Wasingtonshina is peaceful and calm. The main reason of it - effective work of new province administration. It was created almost immediately after the liberation of province. Major task for governor is saving of uninterrupted food supply from washingtonshina and socialization new
lieges of Great eRussia.

New citizens of Great eRussia.
According to deputy governor of the humanization - Mr. Beriev: "Population of Wasingtonshina was very long time under the inhumane fifth bloody regime of eUSA. Propoganda and threats implemented in their minds ideas of individualization and antisocial. For many years of Government occupiers, unfortunate people lost the ability to work for the benefit of society. It will take a long time to change this. But steady we change the minds of people and healing the population of free Washingtonshina." Outstanding demonstration of good changes is
kolkhoz "Red Yankee", which is situated near to Unclededovom (former Redom). Happy free americans works in the fields of kolkhoz.
They lead the dance of roundelay and sing the songs of their liberators. Mr. Beriev comments: "American needs in freedom of choice. So we give them to sing one of the three songs. This songs are increase the productivity. Monarchists can sing "God save the Czar...", communists - USSR anthem, and for the others - the anthem of Great eRussia. We are real democracy, so right of the freedom choice for all citizens of Washingtonshina is the main priority of our administration."

Poor education - an obstacle to development.
Low educational level of the liberated territory is a big problem. It hard to believe, but only the forces of liberation is fluent russian. Native people can not say a word on russian. Only one percent of population can say some words in russian, and no one can write on it. Because of it, the first order of governon was creation of schools in liberated Washingtonshina. In a very short time and the people will be able to discover all the benefits of education and felt the light of the great Russian culture. This will give great impetus to the development of a new province.

Crime almost defeated.
The proximity of military action raises the level of crime in the province. Many of these thugs declare themselves "Liberation Army of Washington", and cover their openly criminal actions by the "war of liberation against the invaders". Nevertheless, as we have seen - the population believes the Russian army liberators. Therefore, the so-called insurgents are either desperate cutthroats, or frankly ridiculous.

Heroic guerrilla.
Particularly famous case was Bob Smith. At the time of the Russian troops advance, Bob hiding in the attic of the shed, to stifle their own distinct Scottish whiskey. Valiant hero continued to keep its defense until the last drop of blood, but suddenly, Russian troops broke through the defensive orders eUSA. Bob saw the Russian troops - horrified, he dropped whiskey, losing the last fighting efficiency. He jumped in horror in the attic window. But the hero is not lucky - he broke the leg and lost speed. If not this, the hero of Defense has already made it to Washington to California, that there just fight to the bitter end. But because of the ridiculous randomness that was not fated to happen. Bob realized that it was his last fight. Collected will in a fist - it has spread to a nearby ditch. Movement was difficult, but as a true American soldier - he never give up, and soon a trench has safely hid hero. The battle is lost, it was nowhere to escape, so Bob decided to create intelligence unit in the territory of the enemy in that ditch. Bravely watching from the shelter for the enemy, Bob fell asleep. Wake of his terrifying voice resonant of his back. Voice roar that something incomprehensible language. Bob did not understand the words, but it became clear - this is the end - he pushed his rifle and raised his hands. So Frosya girl, the daughter of one of the officers of the advancing troops had received their medal for the capture of American partisan. Now Bob is working as cowboy for the benefit of the kolkhoz "Red Chinuk". He has learn all the required songs and can even write his name in Russian.