The Never Ending Story

Day 2,328, 05:33 Published in Belgium Belgium by Director9

This little article is my view on the whole PTO situation going on in eBe. I'm not accusing anyone of actually PTOing, just a reaction to all the allegations and words flying about between several groups of citizens.

A forum, any forum is more than likely controlled by a certain group of people, which usually remain in power if you like the wording for a long time. Switching forumcontrol every month to simulate eRep conditions would be ridiculous.

Shouting to bring the forum into eRep itself, to be honest you can not ask that. Or do you really have the feeling that eRep offers anything remotely enjoyable and playable in terms of forum-play? Then you must be playing another version 😉

Calling someone else thieves for taking all the country wealth, whilst wanting to play the game according to ingame mechanics is being a hypocrite. Ingame mechanics allow the money and gold to be taken, period. You might not agree with the way it has been taken/used, but that has nothing to do with the ingame mechanics.

I've never seen a lot of folks visiting the IRC channel. And before you start mouthing that the elite control it, get your facts straight : I control it. There might be some delegation of power at the moment, the fact is I'm 100% in charge. Be prepared to have a duel of words with me, I can be sharp, that's true.

Saying IRC is too difficult. Please, most of you out there can twitter, whatsapp and all that other mobile smartphone sh*t, then I can not seriously believe you're so dumb as not being able to get on IRC.

For elites, PTO'ers and anti-elite/PTOers. Visit IRC, the only real free place for eBe 😉 . But beware, I'm pretty old, so behaving is something I do care for, and I'm the IRC God 😛