The Needs of the Many

Day 3,871, 17:21 Published in USA Peru by Jude Connors

Greetings and Salutations, My Fellow Americans and Chickensguys:

Another Congress election day has past and another month of no Congress due to the wipe. With nations on both sides of the Asteria/anti-Asteria block occupying our home lands, there doesn't seem to be an end in sight to the wipe. It seems that the one thing both sides can agree on is that they don't like eUSA. We are a defeated nation.

What eAmerican Doesn't Feel Helpless With All This?

So basically, we're screwed, eAmerica. Without every eUSA Player opening up their wallets to spend thousands of RL dollars, there is no freaking way we are going to be able to fight our way out of this wipe. It requires a metric crap-ton of diplomacy, but American doesn't use the metric system and we fall short on that. In the end, no one really trusts the eUSA anymore, due to our history of screwing people over. I don't envy Feynmann, a man put in the impossible role of eUSA Minister of Foreign Affairs. There's literally nothing he can do about this. It'll take much longer than a few terms as MoFA to get over the years of crap foreign affairs policy for which eUSA is known.

Accurate Depiction of MoFA Feynmann

But Jude... the eUSA is a Top Ten Air Battle country... that's something, right?!?! No. No it isn't. Don't fool yourself. This Big Sky Theory only works if eUSA can win D4 Ground Rounds AND Air Rounds. Otherwise, we don't get to the third or fourth air rounds. We simply cannot win a campaign with air battles alone.

Our Air Force Just Isn't Enough

So what do we do? First thing we need to do is figure out the root of our problems? Now this will take a deep, hard look at ourselves and ask ourselves as a community: What are we going wrong? This will be unpleasant, since people hate to take an inventory of themselves. But think about it... What is the eUSA's biggest problem? If you can't come to an answer, maybe check out this amazing article by an equally amazing player, PigInZen.

Join... Or Die!

When we quit fighting ourselves and stop the stupidity, we might have an actual chance of being a community and nation again. This would be the restart we need in order to become a better community and get from under the wipe.

Common Ideals = Unity = COMMUNITY

We have been speaking about this very thing basically all day. WE are the reason we are wiped. WE did this to ourselves. WE continue to do it even under complete occupation. A lot of us talk smack and blame Pfeiffer and say that he got us to this. Although there is some truth to that... in the long run, he is not the only one to blame. We ALL did was the same crap that Pf did, instead of unifying the community, we helped divide it. We created and moved our lil cliques closer to us and helped the divide expand until we had multiple little groups fighting among each other. We justified it by saying it was a reaction to Pfeiffer's moves, but where has that justification brought us?

I think Mazzy Cat said it best today in Discor😛 This nation is now a nation we, as a nation, would have talked serious shit about.

That's some raw truth for us all to take in. I don't know about you, but that's a hard pill to swallow.

Ain't it, though?

So can we do it? Can we get over ourselves and once again put the whole community over ourselves? Can we truly be USA>Party>Self? I sure a hell hope we can. Like PiZ sai😛 We need to Join or Die.

...Or the One