The Necessity of High Wellness

Day 363, 12:20 Published in USA USA by Lowell Kennedy
This is the first in a series of articles laying out the Yellow Party platform.

New players are born into this world with 50 wellness. Yet, as the graphic shows, this is half a person. They are making half the contribution that they can otherwise. Their wellness immediately reduces their ability to produce in a factory or in war. General managers and military generals recognize this. Experienced players and political parties also realize this and have created gifting programs to increase wellness. With the recent military events, we have seen the efficient means of increasing wellness for returning veterans. It is a matter of national preparedness that our soldiers maintain high wellness. The same logic must be applied to the economic interests of the nation.

It is in the economic interests of this country to immediately start gifting new players. Any player that has worked for more than two days should receive enough gifts to stay above 50 wellness. Any player that has worked for more than a week should receive enough gifts to stay above 80 wellness. These wellness increases help to increase production of companies. The production increases lead to more products or materials to sell. Thus, companies can sell more but the market is not saturated either. It should also maintain lower prices that workers can purchase more and drive the consumption economy of eRepublik. Additionally, it should allow for the exporting of excess production, creating wealth for this country.

It is the belief of the Yellow Party that all members should be helped to high wellness. It is in the best interests of the country and the employers that members have high wellness. Workers and soldiers receive very little benefit though. Members would be expected to maintain their wellness but it should be those that benefit that help to bear the costs of increasing the levels of wellness. Therefore, it is the goal of the Yellow Party to increase every active member’s wellness to above 90 wellness. For the sake of the United States—especially its economic and military interests—there is a necessity of high wellness.

The Yellow Party is an up-and-coming party within eRepublik. Please join our party if you want to make a difference. If you are interested, here are three links:

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