The Nation's Condition

Day 824, 22:13 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Lynari

It has been nearly a week since I last wrote! I will quickly address matters:

Firstly, I will thank all of you who responded to my message to members of the Swiss Liberal Party. More of you did than I expected and this is a good sign. (If you are in the Swiss Liberal Party and did not receive a message, or you are a member of the Swiss Liberal Party that joined after February 18th, message me immediately for information.) The Congressional election is crucial. We must be organized. Those of you who fell under the first or second category will be receiving another message fairly soon regarding tactics.

I would like to respond to PabloTortilla’s* And the media goes quiet…. In it he questions the meaning of an absent media in regard to public sentiments concerning the Shaolin, that is, if we have been pacified by a training war. I say know this: the Shaolin do not need to be constantly addressed for it to be understood that they are a troupe of ubiquitous parasites. The people of Switzerland are not so foolish as to be convinced of the benevolence of the Shaolin based on a training war. Now as for your suggestions, Pablo, who are you asking this of? We do not currently have control of our country. Your suggestions are heard by nobody who cares and has the power to implement them. Furthermore, they are all a tad unreasonable: to join an alliance that would have no interest in receiving us, to waste a large sum of money that we do not have on a declaration of war that would in no way benefit us, and to organize the military, which might be logical if we weren’t under a takeover government. *I don’t know you, Pablo; I do not mean to offend.

I will also respond to Trurl’s Here is the catch…, (ellipses are popular these days.) I arrived in Switzerland on January 7th and was forced to wait until after the next Congressional election to acquire citizenship. This means I still had Austrian citizenship during the day of the election, and indeed, I voted from Romandie. Unless I am mistaken (quite possible,) you can vote from a foreign nation in the region from which you departed. Now, of course, you cannot run for Congress from a different nation. This, rather than the voting issue, was the odious intent of the Shaolin. The day change after the 23rd is the deadline for placing your candidature, not the 24th. This means that if you left the nation on the 23rd, fought in the resistance war, waited until the next day, fought again, and returned to Switzerland, you would not be able to reapply to be a candidate. The Shaolin didn't decide to host it on the 24th because candidates aren't able to leave the nation on that day. I learned this in December while preparing to leave Austria; I resigned on the 24th and decided not to run again but was unable to withdraw my candidacy, I still received votes, and I was a Congressman again the following day. In short, if it is at all possible that you decide to run for Congress, do not leave Switzerland to fight in Graubunden.

This brings me to my final topic, (long article!) the Swiss Resistance. How successful have we been? Well, I never predicted this would be a swift victory, nor a swift defeat. History favors evil, unfortunately, and this predicament is not excluded by that rule. The Swiss have noble motivation - sovereignty, freedom, prosperity, - whereas the objective of the Shaolin is chaos. Chaos, I'm afraid, is much easier to achieve; in fact, any ragtag group of buffoons is capable, and if we didn’t know that absolutely before, we do now. What do we need to triumph then? Vitality, stamina. We must survive them. I do not expect to win a majority in Congress this month. The hope, though, is that more genuine immigrants are coming to Switzerland seeking citizenship for our Congressmen to approve than Russians coming to assist the Shaolin. In order to defeat them, we must tower over them in numbers. Thus, every emigrant tired of the Shaolin is for them a minor victory, for us, a minor defeat, and every immigrant we are able to approve a minor victory for us, and for them, a minor defeat. So have strength, people of Switzerland! We must prove our resolve!
