The Most Recent Indonesian Invasion

Day 1,050, 22:30 Published in Australia Australia by Tyler96

After several months of Indonesian PTO control of Australia, during which time they annexed the resource rich region of Western Australia on 5th September the Australian candidate Hinokai emerged victorious in the Prime Ministerial elections. The Indonesians saw this as a threat to their rule of Australia, and control of the resource rich WA. Their fears were confirmed when Australian resistance group the Fighting Kangaroos launched a resistance in WA that was not supported by Hinokai’s government, despite this, they succeded in driving the Indonesians out of the state and held them there for several hours before larger Indonesian forces arrived and defeated the resistance fighters.

Indonesian control of Western Australia

All stats are kills/damage; dates are when the battle ended

Western Australia 13th September-
Australia 516/ 51 686
Indonesia 661/ 59 430

The following day the Indonesians counterattacked into South Australia and the Northern Territory, the Australian forces were told to fight for the titanium producing region of the Northern Territory. Many defied this order and fought in South Australia anyway, despite this, both regions were lost due to the Indonesians taking the field in the first few hours, having units 20-30 strong pounce on anyone who dared attack. The result was that, despite the Aussies being superior one for one, throughout most of the battle they were outnumbered by at least 50 to 1, and had no hope of regaining control of the battlefield.

The avatar of the ABeRi, Indonesia's national army

South Australia 14th September-
Australia 560/ 46 611
Indonesia 385/ 31 001

Northern Territory 14th September-
Australia 673/ 58 089
Indonesia 627/ 53681

Not long after these battles had ended Indonesia continued its assault, pushing into Victoria and Queensland, a move that would isolate the two remaining Australian regions, NSW and Tasmania, from one another. This time the majority of attention was focused on Queensland, resulting in there being more casualties there. But the severely outnumbered and MPPless Australians had little hope, as the Indonesian tactics again took hold, while behind the lines Moving Tickets were supplied by the Government and private businessmen to Aussie fighters so they could escape to the unoccupied territories, many however, thought all hope was lost and moved to Canada and other countries in preparation for Australia’s eventually fall and others were unable to leave.

Many fled from the occupied regions

Victoria 15th September-
Australia 564/ 47 013
Indonesia 473/ 40 459

Queensland 15th September-
Australia 609/ 46 526
Indonesians 507/ 39 277

Following the battles of Victoria and Queensland the Indonesians took a short regrouping break, then attacked the Australian Capital of NSW, once again taking the region in the first few hours and defeating the Australian counterattacks. This was easily the bloodiest battle of the campaign as the Australians were fighting for their Capital, the Indonesians fielded hordes of low level multies previously used for PTOing and for the first time Australia was helped by a substantial amount of allied fighters, with Romania, America, Croatia and Canada fielding 44 soldiers between them (that is over 20% of Australia’s 200 fighters). Despite this, and heavy casualties on the Indonesian side, the Indonesian forces were once again victorious.

New South Wales 17th September-
Australia 1633/ 131 745
Indonesia 1187/ 93 873