The most not up to date and worthless rubbish you'll read all day! [3]

Day 666, 10:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ryan Taylor


So. I said I was going to think of something to write during my 90 minutes maths detention. I didn't even have time to think with all this worthless maths going into my head..


I mean wotfok? Where on earth you going to use this shi#t except with your little spaghetti alphabet. (Did I spell that right?)

Anyway, because I'm a member of the Unity Party, I'm not at all bias in anyways.

So here are TUP's PP results!

1 Karacticus 105 40.23
2 MiloMan 79 30.27
3 Stefan1992 55 21.07
4 Natalie Vazquez 22 8.43

I voted for Stefan1992, sadly he didn't grab hold of first place. So well done Karacticus and the best of luck!

And of course, can't leave out our rivals.

1 LordJustice 165 67.35
2 Mr. Nice Guy 29 11.84
3 WilliamHill 18 7.35
4 Andrei Rjabtsev 15 6.12
5 Saint Benedict 10 4.08
6 the gray wolf 5 2.04
7 Darren Bell 3 1.22

Best of luck LordJustice, just try to follow TUP footsteps and you *will* be fine 🙂.
Well. The eUK has been a rather quiet place after losing those Canadian regions. We all like quiet. It gives us times to fix some homeland problems.

For the newer readers, here are a few tips!

*Buy Q1 food until you can afford Q2.
*Make sure to buy food everyday.
*If you're 40-70 wellness, fight in a war then use the hospital.
*Try to live in a Q5 hospital region.
*Work and train everyday! To recover fully from your work and training, you require Q2 food.

If any readers have more tips, don't hesitate to show them in the comments 🙂.

Remember, vote and subscribe!

In eRepublik you can exchange any currency (including Gold) with other currencies. You can do this action by accessing the My places tab in the main menu and then the Monetary market button.

In the top section you can see the currency you are buying and the currency you are giving in exchange.

Clicking on either the "Buy" or "Sell" buttons will open a drop-down menu to choose the currencies.
The amount you own from each currency selected at the moment is displayed on the right.
The avatar shows which account you are using for the exchange (personal or company).
Clicking the avatar activates the drop-down menu that allows you to select your company, to use that account.

By default the page shows all exchange offers between Gold and national currency for the country you are in. The page will list the offer with the lowest exchange rate first.

You cannot exchange between 2 currencies unless you possess accounts of the both. When you move to another country for the first time, an account of that country's national currency is automatically added to your profile.
Note: Each currency is referred to as an "account". In order to open additional accounts, post, then immediately remove, an offer for that currency. This will open a new "account" for that currency, viewable upon reloading.

How to Buy
Amount to buy (the value will contain 2 decimals):
Buy [submit button]

Clicking Buy will open the text: "Buy (amount) (selected currency for buying) for (amount2) (selected currency for selling)? Yes/No". Where amount is the value inserted in the value from the 'Amount to buy' field.

If you click yes, an information message will appear: "You have bought (selected currency for buying) for (amount2) (selected currency for selling)" and the money will be transferred between the two accounts. The offerer receives an alert after the transaction is over. Clicking no closes the text frame.
If the total cost value is greater than the value in your selected account you will receive the following message: "You do not have that much (currency type)".