Day 1,650, 12:21 Published in USA Croatia by Apress

16. Konari, Iran

Konari is a small town, which lies within the Iranian Zagros Mountains - they make up Iran and Iraq's largest mountain range and were formed by the collision of the Eurasian and Arabic plates.

17. Iraqi Military emplacement

Pillboxes and gun emplacements litter a former wetland, drained and now used as a staging area for military exercises just north of war-torn Basra. The settlement lay at the heart of the ancient Sumerian civilization and was the first city built after the emigration of Mohammad and his followers to the city of Medina in 622 A.D. – the year that marks the start of the Islamic calendar.

18. Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

The tallest peak in Africa at 5,895 m (19,340 ft), Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest place on earth covered by mobile phone network. Its slopes are home to unique vegetation such as the water holding cabbage and a variety of microclimates are found amongst its peaks, including a permanent snow-capped summit. The border with Kenya can be seen in the upper portion of the image above the spectacular peaks of the Kilimanjaro range which appear like anthills from such great height.

19. Dasht-e Kavir, Iran

The Dasht-e Kavir, or valley of desert, lies along the Iranian plateau and covers an area of over 77,000 km² (45,000 square miles). The extreme heat makes it impossible to cultivate the land and as a consequence, settlements are restricted to a few sparsely populated oases. What meager moisture lies beneath the surface of the mud is retained by a covering crust of salt that stops it from evaporating completely.

20. Lena River, Russia

The Lena River is the tenth longest river in the world and its delta is the largest area of protected wilderness in Russia. Desolate frozen tundra for most of the year, every May the region is transformed into a lush wetland that becomes home to several species of rare Siberian wildlife for several months. The striking blue expanse above the coral-like delta is the freezing waters of the Arctic Ocean.

21. MacDonnell Mountains, Australia

Winding ridges show the spectacular MacDonnell mountain range of the Northern Territory, a 650 km (400 mile) long series of mountain ranges located in the centre of Australia. The ranges are composed of many rock types, but are most famous for their beautiful red quartzite peaks and gorges, visible in the upper right

22. Malaspina Glacier, Alaska, USA

Several glaciers spill onto the Gulf of Alaska to form the gentle ripples of the Malaspina, an ice field so large it can only be seen in its entirety from space. Its tongue, here shown in sky blue, flows from the stunning Saint Elias Mountains towards the sea, filling the plain, although at no point does it actually reach the icy water.

23. The Optimist, Kalahari Desert, Namibia

The dunes of the Kalahari encroach onto the once-fertile lands to the north, leaving remarkable striations across the land. Note the lone red dot of healthy vegetation at the centre of the image: it is the result of a man made irrigation system, evidence that at least one optimistic farmer continues to work the fields despite the approaching sand.

24. Parana River, Brazil

The delta of South America’s second longest river is located only 20 miles from one of the world’s largest cities, Buenos Aires. Known as a foremost bird-watching destination, its intricate spiders web of waterways and canals form a vital link between the towns and cities of the region. The striking contrast between dense forest and wetland marsh is clearly visible in the image along the banks of the dazzling blue river.

25.Richat Structure, Mauritiana

Deep rings in the ground near the Saharan town of Oudane mark a geological formation that resembles a bull’s eye or whirlpool. Its dramatic grooves are only entirely visible from a great altitude and although appearing to be the result of an impact crater, were formed when a volcanic dome hardened, gradually eroding to expose beautiful onion-like layers of rock.

26. The Great Sandy Desert, Australia

Despite its name, the desert is an area largely devoid of sand, instead characterized by complex geological structures. Inhabited mainly by indigenous Australian communities, the glorious sheets of mottled color resemble Klimt’s famous paintings.

27. The Great Sandy Scars, Australia

A small corner of the vast Great Sandy Desert that does have large sand dunes – the only sand in this desert of scrub and rock – the dunes are here visible as lines stretching across the image. The light-coloured fan shapes are scars from wildfires.

28. Terkezi Oasis, Chad

A stunning outcrop of black rock covered in swathes of shifting sand – only 10,000 years ago grass covered the region, today however these rocks are as prominent a feature as can be found within the exquisite sand dunes of the southern Sahara..

29. Volga Delta, Russia

This extensive delta at the mouth of Volga is comprised of more than 500 channels and sustains the most productive fishing grounds in Eurasia. The delicate vein-like waterways flow into the dark expanses of the Caspian Sea, the largest body of enclosed water on the planet.

30. Karman Vortices

These magnificent swirling clouds are the result of a meteorological phenomenon known as the Karman vortex, a repeating pattern of spinning vortices caused by the unsteady separation of flow over bluff bodies. They appeared over AlexanderSelkirk Island in the southern Pacific Ocean – off the coast of Chile – rising voluptuously from the surrounding waters and creating a stunning spiral effect.

By Apress on May 27, 2012 ®


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