The mortality of our natality...

Day 1,440, 10:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by Trodaire
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Ireland is, geographicly, in a great position. That needs to be used. We need a baby boom.

First of all, you need to ask yourself: "What do i want to do in this game?". Do you have the answer? If you do, forget that answer and ask yourself: "What does Ireland want me to do in this game?". Bigger economy? More population? More military power?

Well... Ireland can get everything by one simple baby boom. I had some experiences with baby booms so i will write you some of the best preconditions.

1. Ireland must be territorialy endangered. Foreign force, possibly Britsh must conquer a large part of Ireland.

2. We need someone influencial, someone with real life media connections. This is probably the hardest to find. I know that with some newspapers and tv broadcasters a simple email or a phone call worked. In Serbia, there was a total media bombardment with eRepublik and look at there population. There are many computer related newspapers and TV shows. I'm sure that some of them can and want to do a report on erepublik. After all it is interesting...


After we've established preconditions for a baby boom, it is ultimatly necessary to make preparations. Elected goverment should form a team of experienced player who can make a tutorial for new players. eRepublik is simply to complex nowadays and new players definitly need some help in there beginnings. I think preparations are absolutely necessary because of what French baby boom taught us. They lost over 10 000 baby's because they were not simply prepared to interest them for the game.

Ireland has 65.8% internet users or 3,042,600 users. If only 0.01% of thoose internet users join and contininue to play eRepublik, we could have a population greater for 3,042 people. Imagine how much would that increase our firepower?

Awkors this requires a lot of work and a lot of sacrifice.

Approve or disapprove of the idea and of the whole concept but one is for sure, who includes this in his political program on next elections, gets my fo*in VOTE!!!

Eternall Trodaire...