The more you know... Crab people...

Day 1,319, 16:10 Published in Norway USA by Christopher Moe
Crab people.

A species of child-sized, cave-dwelling crustaceans who have lived underground for thousands of years and plan to regain their stronghold on the surface by converting the men of our planet into weaklings by having them emulate the metro-sexual lifestyle.

Crab people is a civilization that has lived underground for thousand of years. They tastes like crab but talks like people.... Crab + People = Crab people

You can say that they are the biggest threat to the human race because they are highly intelligent and masters of disguise. Even though shows like "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" has loosed their edge, they still find ways to brainwash our race. Their new plan is simple but genius.

1: Produce the worst kind of music.

It's a well know fact that music has a big impact on people. Just look how music converted people to smelly hippies in the 60ies and how men dressed like women in the 80ies. The crab people understands how powerful music of mass destruction was and worked hard (like crabs are know for) to gives us: Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black, Tonje Langeteig and many more, (i won't say who, but it involves rap and RnB so i might be flamed if some of you actually likes that kind of brainwashing). If you look at people that likes that kind of music you will most likely find them in gay bars or in prison.

2: Control the media and politics

Fox news is the perfect example to show you that crab people control the media, i dare you to watch fox news, just watch it for 15 minutes and you can feel your brain melt away. If you watch it for more than an hour you are gone. It's a well know fact that supports crab people like George Bush, Sarah Palin and Mazarino watches fox news and many other shows controlled by crab people.

3: Control religion

It's obvious that the pope and most of the priests is crab people. Let's see what the popes view on condoms is: The Catholic Church has been opposed to contraception for as far back as one can historically trace. Many early Catholic Church Fathers made statements condemning the use of contraception including John Chrysostom, Jerome, Clement of Alexandria, Hippolytus of Rome, Augustine of Hippo and various others. Among the condemnations is one by Jerome which refers to an apparent oral form of contraception: "Some go so far as to take potions, that they may insure barrenness, and thus murder human beings almost before their conception.The Catechism of the Catholic Church specifies that all sex acts must be both unitive and procreative. In addition to condemning use of artificial birth control as intrinsically evil, non-procreative sex acts such as mutual masturbation and anal sex are ruled out as ways to avoid pregnancy.

Just think for a moment. Sex without condoms can lead to std's (also invented by crab people). They even named one std “ Crabs” It’s like they’re not even trying to hide it.

What about this: Religion throughout history has been the leading cause to wars. Don't tell me that you can't see where i’m going with this...

Crab people is also masters of distraction.

Crab people invented guns, guns kills people
Crab people invented oil, we humans kills for oil
Can you see the link yet?

Crab people invented Federal Reserve System
Crab people invented Wall street
Can you see the link yet?

How you can stop the crab people's plan for world domination.

You can start by listening to good music.

Think for yourself. Don't follow what other people does, they are most likely brain washed and you will be to if you act like them.

Read a book. God damn it, it's not THAT hard

Watch independent media that follows the basic journalist way: Telling the truth

Turn the other cheek. If we can't respect other peoples toughs how can we respect the human race. You can't change people, they can only change them-self. If you give people respect (maybe even love), their chances for finding the right way is higher. If you argue and fight you are also supporting wars. War is just an argue that turns into a fight in a much bigger scale.

You can say that crab people are winning the war. We are destroying our self on a big scale, and it's growing to a world war 3. If we keep destroying our own kind like this the crab people will win. It's not a question of if, it's only a question of when.">