The Monsoon that is PTI ;)

Day 2,113, 04:22 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Sparkfyre

A.A Fellow ePakis!

I have been a very lazy Party President and for that I apologize!

But today, I was motivated (and slightly bored tbh) to write an article to my awesome citizens. 😁

Partly because it's that time of the term again, when certain parties resurface from their zombie states to the Land of the Living and take up their age-old mantra of the Crusade against DPP and fight (completely one-sided, really) for Country Presidency.

To them I say, Good Luck!

But the fact of the matter is (at least from my perspective, feel free to disagree!) that they have absolutely lost the faith of most ePaki members.

Their Agenda, though vague and outwardly promising, is not backed by their actions, as I witnessed in my term and the terms following that.

In summary, they do not hold friendship to much esteem but only the power they can gain ....sad really.

Anyhow! As for my fantastic DPP members xD I'm so proud to be in the same party as you guys!

Some of the great stuff done by our Members this term (some totally by their own initiative!). If I miss anyone out in my haste..let me know!

1) TheCaliph; If you don't know why he's awesome, you clearly haven't been very active in International Politics lol xD
2) Mohammad Bilal; For successfully running and maintaing the Means on Wheels Project!
And being the 'go-to guy' for any help or work needed! Fantastic work you!

3) Heart Stealer; Because he's stepped in to the role of PM and HoC with such ease and total confidence, I'm totally impressed! Answering congress' inquiries, suggesting ways of improvement for coming terms and being a innovative 'Idea Man' 😃 Much appreciated!
4) Oscdar; Being exceptionally self-motivated by both suggesting the idea of a Party Paper and implementing the idea! I want more of Oscdar citizens!! xD
5) Shumaila; Doing a fabulous job of keeping our new citizens up to date and providing very informative articles! Also, praise for her great idea about compiling a Library for new members! Keep it up! 😁

And the rest of DPP for taking enthusiastic part in our in-game PM thread! Love the ideas and hoping to discuss them with our future CP, TheCaliph (iA!).

And even though Muz1 isn't in DPP, he's had a great term so congrats to the Sloth!

Here's a bowl of baby sloths. :3

Well, that's all for now!

I hope you all see that DPP isn't at the top because of gold-buyers but because our citizens put in their total efforts in their chosen fields. They do it with heart and they do it well. o7

PP of DPP,

Hail Pakistan!
Hail WOLF!!