The mission

Day 3,938, 10:29 Published in Turkey Turkey by iEnkidu

Hello and greeting kind people of eRepublik.

As you know in some part of the game you get a mission that says "you need 25 comments...." so I would like to ask you to help me with that 😃

To those that comment here is a toast:
Here is a toast to those who wish us well, and all the rest can go to hell.

To Hell. May the stay there be as enjoyable as the way there.

Here's to staying positive and testing negative

May you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead

Here's to the storks that bring good babies, the crows that bring bad babies, and the swallows that bring no babies at all!

Here's to a long life and a happy one. A quick death and an easy one. A good girl and an honest one,. A cold pint and another one.
