The Ministry of Truth

Day 639, 02:43 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

Greetings and salutations, people of the Great Japanese Empire. It is terribly unfortunate that I am today speaking to you for the first time. My name is Reiji Mitsurugi, and I am the Minister of Internal Affairs. It is my Ministry of the Interior, or as I affectionately call it, the Ministry of Truth, with which you, the average citizenry, will have the most contact. And it is for that reason that it is most regrettable that I have had so little direct contact with you in this, the first term of our Most Noble President Minamoto Yoritomo.

But don't think that I have been lax in my duties. Friends, soldiers, citizens, colleagues and countrymen, let me tell you about some of the things on which this, the Ministry of Truth, has been preparing. First and foremost, I have established an Office of North Korean-Japanese Affairs to better communicate with our ever-growing community of ethnic North Koreans. My Vice Minister for North Korean-Japanese Affairs, Crawling Chaos, has already provided me with a number of invaluable reports on the needs and desires of the North Korean people. It is my hope, as well as my absolute certainty, that by these efforts will we come ever closer to the goal of a truly Harmonious Society.

Beyond seeing to the needs of our newly naturalized North Korean brethren, the Ministry is working on a number of initiatives for the betterment of all Japanese. We continue to operate this, the Nihon no Koe administration, along with its duties of keeping the citizenry informed as well as distributing bonuses to those who participate on our National Forum. Along those lines, the Ministry of the Interior will be producing, along with the Secretary of Culture and Events, the Takarajuki Lottery, about which you can read more in the last issue of the Nihon no Koe, written by our Most Noble President.

We will also be establishing an Office of Immigration, which requires further discussion in the Imperial Diet here. The purpose of that office, if it isn't clear already, will be to organize representatives of the Diet to ensure that all those with the power to approve new citizens are aware of, and complying with, the to-be-agreed-upon standards of Japanese citizenship.

This month will also be an evaluation of the Japan Election Commission and its role in Japan, following the establishment of our citizenship module.

That is a preview of all that is to come from this, the Minamoto Government's Ministry of the Interior. Just remember always that we, the Ministry of Truth, will never lie to you.