The man who knew too little... but clicked too much.

Day 3,748, 12:59 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

He got 'engaged' by pointless orders, in a weird IRC channel, where a strange sense of humour of 'old' players-- who clicked too much, but knew too little--, floated.

He tried to follow the masquerade of the 'hierarchy', in an endless parade of pseudo-government pseudo-positions. Again, this involved clicking too much,... and knowing less and less.

He saw 'world' alliances come and go, first ONE, then TWO, then 3.1415 (aka PI, for some reason). People clicked and clicked in a strange frenziness without any known goal, any destination to reach.

Years went by, fakers, ptoers, multiaccounters made their scams, robberies, and misdemeanours,... even all that again involved clicking a lot,... and knowing too little.

When are you going to learn ? When will you stop clicking? Where does the wisdom lie? Does it hide in clicked-Royalties or in diplomatic acquaintances of people who clicked even more than you and knew even less than you?

A last favour,... click a bit more , click and vote this article, click an fight, click and work, click for the sake of clicking, for you are the new Sysyphus whose ordeal is to click to see that he's not advanced enough, that he's got to the starting point that involved to click again.