The Long Walk

Day 1,350, 21:47 Published in South Africa South Africa by Oceanus
Greetings South Africa

Its good to be back.

I look around at where this nation stands today and I'm proud to see new generations of South Africans still strong.
I am working on catching up after leaving at the beginning of V2. As I return to everything here, I also can't help but reminisce about older days.

I am going to be a stereotype now by talking about ancient history. A lot of what brought me back here is fond memories from years ago. I've always been a fan of keeping a strong tie to South Africa's past. As Vice President and then Social Affairs minister I once commissioned a branch of the education department particularly for the purpose of publishing engaging history articles by our very own living treasure- Ryan Dagari. I'm sure the work for that lies long past in old google docs and maybe in forums that have since been hacked by some of the many enemies that eSA faced along the way. But I'm still interested in bringing things of the old days lying deep below up to the surface.

With the advent of dead citizens not turning up in searches, it has become even more difficult to reach historic material, but through enough digging in friend lists and newspaper comments its all still there.

I spent some time finding a few of these older articles today and wanted to share them with everyone here.
This is just a few memorable samples here and there, I'm missing a lot of people I'd like to include. But maybe in the future I will publish more and from other eras if people show interest in this article.

Early Struggle- (This is the article that drew me to South Africa from Sweden with my first account in December 200😎

Pure Sex-

The Brazilian Summer-
(Segments on the Press Takeover are an excellent resource for finding prominent eSA newspapers of the time)
And heres one by me, my top voted article of all time probably-

I wonder at times if South Africa still fights for what it once did. Do we still stand for freedom in the long struggle against imperialism? I understand the difficulties of careful diplomacy in such an aggressive eWorld after serving 6-7 terms as Minister of Foreign Affairs. But I would be sad to see us lose our cause for the sake of survivalism. I would be sadder to see us lose a tradition of fine writing in our liberation struggle.

I hope that everyone can draw inspiration, and some laughs from these articles.
