The LoL BoX or The secret legend behind the headless chick (bazookas involved)

Day 1,387, 07:45 Published in Romania Romania by wowotzange

The LoL BoX is a box consisting legendary gold items (for premium customers) or ordinary plastic copies of the first mentioned (for mortals). This is the story of its five extraordinary components:

It was the time of a mighty empire, where man ruled the world and the chicks where it’s super-intelligent yet (apparently) humble servants (that kind of reminds me of the whole man vs. machine debate). I know you kids of today’s world only know the headless ones, but believe me, it was a time when things were different.
So, like I sai😛 mighty, vast empire. So vast that nobody knew where its borders were. The people decided to build a golden measuring tape to find it out.

Of course, the new instrument had to be operated by the super-chicks, since it was too dangerous for the human beings to travel in the uncharted space and time.
So far (and it was really far, trust me), so good! Except all intelligent beings like to have power over their lives and so were the chicks too. They only needed a spark to be ready to revolt and this is what they found at the end of the world, beyond all frontiers (including those of the human imagination): A BAZOOKA. A mind controlled weapon that could make any chicken (literary as well as figuratively) a battle hero!
And so they returned to the heart of the empire with this new discovery, with the desire to gain independence and the belief they could really liberate their whole species.
The chicks won battle after battle. Until a highly high human scientist thought that the bazookas looked nail-like.

What??! People used to have imagination back then (and funny stuff to smoke)! Well, you know what they say: where you have nails, you need a hammer (or the other way around, but that is really not that important). So, our little scientist build a golden hammer and nailed all bazookas in the ground. Parts of them can still be found on the old battlefields, but that’s another story.

Happy ending!!! Chicks defeated, bazookas destroyed, power restored... but wait! The humans had to be sure that this will never ever happen again, so they invented a method too keep their servants, but make them humble again and by all means stupid. BEHEADING! No need to mention they build a golden saw in order to perform this operation effectively.

But then again, what to do with the head?! Pretty clear, it had to be buried… but the head had the bad habit to revive to revive and not to stay in the earth. Freaky times I tell you! Seeing chickless heads everywhere… Luckily, gold does to chicks what silver does to vampires, so a golden shovel was the solution to the problem.
Second try: Happy ending!!! Power restored, chickless heads stay buried, headless chicks are the new trend, everybody’s happy.

Of course, there are also pliers in the LoL BoX. I am not very sure what role they had in the whole legend and historical sources tend to be pretty contradictory on this one… but I guess you could always use a pair of pliers, ‘cause nobody can fight in legendary wars with a toothache.

Now, say I’m crazy, call me mad, but that’s the way it happened!

Disclaimer: I used the pictures of the ordinary plastic copies of the legendary items because I am only a mortal, so don’t wonder if they are not golden.